Culture, Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Economic Development Committee
4.00pm 9 November 2023
Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove, BN3 3BQ - HTH/CC
decision list
Part One |
Beach Hut Licence and Transfer Fee
That Committee:
1. Agreed the termination of existing beach hut licences in accordance with their terms and implementation of the proposed new licence (see Appendix 1) to all beach hut owners, including the addition of the transfer fee.
2. Agreed new licence terms which will come into effect from 1 April 2024 as follows:
a) a new transfer fee (details in paragraphs 3.9 to 3.11 of this report); b) updated termination provisions to limit the “no fault” grounds on which the council can terminate licences in the future (paragraph 3.12 of this report); c) provisions to allow for more effective and efficient communication with beach hut owners (paragraph 3.13 of this report).
3. Agreed that owners of any beach huts remaining on council land after 1 April 2024 without a new licence agreement in place be required to remove the beach hut and that officers may take enforcement action if necessary to ensure that any unlicenced areas are vacated. |
Freedom Leisure Contract - Update on current position in relation to energy costs and mitigation measures..
That Committee:
1. Noted the lifting of mitigation measures that have been or are being lifted in agreement with Freedom Leisure by the end of the financial year 2023/24.
2. Noted the grant applications for additional revenue and capital financial support through the government’s Swimming Pool Support Fund (SPSF) managed by Sport England.
3. Noted the contents of this report in relation to the work delivered by both Freedom Leisure and council Sports Facilities teams over the last year in respect of the energy mitigation measures undertaken to ensure the sports facilities continued to remain open for residents. |
Leisure Contract - Future Management Options
That Committee:
1. Noted that the current outsourced leisure contract expires in March 2026.
2. Recommended to the Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration Committee that outsourcing the leisure contract remains the best option for the council’s future leisure provision.
3. Agreed that officers should continue to explore the best route for delivering a new outsourced contract, ensuring the redevelopment of the King Alfred/West Hub is appropriately considered.
4. Agreed that officers will bring a report back to committee regarding detailed plans for outsourcing in March 2024. |
Sports Facilities Investment Plan - Progress Update
That Committee:
1. Noted the progress and timeline for implementing the capital projects at Withdean Sports Complex which will further enhance the North Hub, as outlined in the Sports Facilities Investment Plan.
2. Noted the progress on the King Alfred/West Hub redevelopment project and supports the upcoming engagement and consultation on site options planned for early 2024. |
Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement
That Committee recommends to Council:
1. To determine that the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan be modified according to the recommendations in the independent examiner’s report and as set out in the attached Decision Statement (Appendix 1) and that the Decision Statement be published.
2. To approve the examiner’s recommendation that the Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum, subject to modifications set out in the Decision Statement. The referendum area is the Hove Station Neighbourhood Area.
3. In the event that more than 50% of those voting support the Neighbourhood Plan at referendum, that the Council formally ‘makes’ the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan at its next meeting following the referendum. |
Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement and Neighbourhood CIL Update
That Committee:
1. Agreed the annual Brighton & Hove City Council 2022/23 Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS), attached in Appendix 1 and the progress made in committing existing funds.
2. Agreed for the interim Head of Planning to publish the updated 2022/23 annual IFS statement on the BHCC website, subject to any minor alterations (numerical, grammatical and spelling) to be agreed by the Head of Planning following consultation with the Committee Chair.
3. Noted the position with Neighbourhood CIL set out in Appendix 2 and agrees for the allocation process to be undertaken in accordance with the programme outlined at paragraph 3.17 in this report. |