Culture, Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Economic Development Committee
4.00pm 18 April 2024
Council Chamber - BTH
decision list
Part One |
Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Adopted of Revised Policies
That Culture, Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Economic Development Committee:
1. Noted the responses to the RPD Proposed Submission and Main Modifications consultations and the contents of the Inspectors’ Report with their conclusion that the revised policies, as modified, are legally compliant and ‘sound’.
2. Recommended to Council that the RPD be approved for adoption, incorporating the main modifications and minor modifications, as part of the Development Plan for the City, subject to the Interim Head of Planning agreeing any further minor non-material changes to the text with East Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority;
That Full Council:
1. Notes the responses to the RPD Proposed Submission and Main Modifications consultations and the contents of the Inspectors’ Report with their conclusion that the revised polices, as modified, are legally compliant and ‘sound’.
2. Approves adoption of the Revised Policies, incorporating the main modifications and minor modifications, as part of the Development Plan for the City, subject to the Interim Head of Planning agreeing any further minor non-material changes to the text with East Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority. |
S106 Educational Infrastructure Update
1. That Committee noted the position in relation to s106 monies held for investment in schools, the current plans for using it to support infrastructure improvements and the progress the Planning Service has made in making information about s106 funds more accessible. |
Indian Memorial Gate Commemorations
That Committee:
1. Agreed to delivery of an annual multifaith event from October 2024. A committee made up of community leaders and chaired by Cllr Asaduzzaman should be set up to oversee the proper and professional delivery of the event and ensure that funding can be secured from the community and other community funds for future years.
2. Agreed that the Culture, Tourism and Sport service collaborates with the Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust (RPMT) to partner on, secure seed funding, plan and deliver the first annual commemoration multifaith event at the India Gate on/around 26 October 2024, as a testament to the welcoming and inclusive reputation of the city and reflecting the diverse religious communities of the sub-continent.
3. Agreed that as an integral part of the annual multifaith event a campaign will be developed to generate awareness of the wider contribution of soldiers from undivided India, to include educational materials.
4. Agreed that additional scoping and feasibility work should be pursued with the Economic Development team, and business partners across the city, to scope and secure an additional commonwealth business related event to leverage our enduring links to citizens from undivided India and the wider Commonwealth. |
Seasonal Beach Lifeguard Service - Proposed Future Arrangements
That Committee:
1. Noted that the soft market research identified in the options review shows that the RNLI are currently the only external organisation found to be operating beach lifeguard services for local authorities.
2. Agreed that delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director of City Services, in consultation with the relevant cabinet portfolio holder, to conclude negotiations with the RNLI leading to either the service being contracted out as detailed in paras 4.6 to 4.11 or continuing in-house as detailed in paras 4.3 to 4.5. |
Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan – Submission for Examination
That Committee:
1. Agreed that officers proceed with the appointment of a suitably qualified and experienced independent person to undertake examination of the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan;
2. Agreed to submit the Draft Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents for examination, together with all representations received in response to the Regulation 16 publication of the Draft Plan; and
3. Endorsed and agreed to submit the officer comments on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan set in Appendix 1 as the Council’s Regulation 16 response for consideration at the examination. |