Policy & Resources Committee
4.00pm 10 October 2019
Hove Town Hall, - Council Chamber
decision list
Part One |
Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2019/20: Month 5
Contact Officer: |
Jeff Coates |
Tel: 01273 292364 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Noted the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a budget pressure of £4.100m. This includes an overspend of £0.121m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.
(ii) Noted that the one-off financial risk safety net of £0.855m is available to mitigate the forecast risk if the risks cannot be completely eliminated by year-end.
(iii) Noted the forecast for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is currently an underspend of £0.080m.
(iv) Noted the forecast risk position for the Dedicated Schools Grant which is an underspend of £0.145m.
(v) Noted the forecast outturn position on the capital programme and approve the variations and slippage in Appendix 6 and the new schemes as set out in Appendix 7.
(vi) Approved the use of £0.158m Modernisation Fund resources to support implementation of the Community Infrastructure Levy charging scheme as endorsed by the Tourism, Economy, Communities & Culture Committee. |
Orbis Insurance Tender 2020
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Approved the procurement of insurance policies via an Orbis wide joint procedure with East Sussex and Surrey County Council.
(ii) Granted delegated authority to the Executive Director of Finance & Resources to procure and award contracts for the provision insurance as set out in section 1.3 of this report each with a term of up to 7 years. |
Adoption of the Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan
Contact Officer: |
Steve Tremlett |
Tel: 01273 292108 |
Ward Affected: |
South Portslade |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Noted the responses to the consultation on the main modifications to the JAAP and the contents of the Inspector’s Report with her conclusion that the JAAP is legally compliant and ‘sound’;
(ii) Recommended to Council that the JAAP be adopted, incorporating the main modifications and minor modifications, as part of the Development Plan for the City, subject to the Head of Planning agreeing any further minor non-material changes to the text with Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council;
(iii) Recommended to Council that the currently adopted west area Policies Map be revised to additionally display policies contained within the JAAP;
(iv) Recommended to Council that the Development Brief for South Portslade Industrial Estate & Aldrington Basin be revoked. |
Collaborative procurement of Hard Facilities Management contracts - planned, term and reactive maintenance
Contact Officer: |
Martin Hilson |
Tel: 01273 291452 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RRSOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Approved the award of the council’s BHCC Reactive Fabric Repairs framework agreement for a duration of three years and an option to extend by up to one year.
(ii) Approved the procurement of the other Hard Facilities Management services not awarded by working in partnership with East Sussex County Council (ESCC) led by the BHCC Orbis Procurement Team.
(iii) Granted delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture: · To procure the planned maintenance framework agreements set out in Appendix 3, term maintenance contracts set out in Appendix 4 and standalone procurements set out in Appendix 5. All as referred to in (ii) above, including the award of term contracts and places on framework lots. · To enter into any subsequent call-off contracts to the framework agreements referred to in 2.1(ii) above should it be considered appropriate at the relevant time; and · To approve the extension to the framework lot agreements and term contracts, if required, dependent upon satisfactory performance. |
Adoption South East
Contact Officer: |
Deb Austin |
Tel: 01273 291407 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Approved the arrangement for Brighton & Hove City Council’s Adoption Service to join a partnership arrangement with East Sussex; West Sussex and Surrey County Councils in forming Adoption South East, a RAA.
(ii) Gave delegated authority to the Executive Director of Families Children & Learning, in consultation with the Lead Member for Children and Skills to implement the arrangements for Adoption South East, including entering into and signing off the Partnership Agreement and any other agreement between Brighton & Hove City Council and the other participating authorities, in order for the RAA to be implemented in April 2020. |
Annual Waiver Report
Contact Officer: |
Cliff Youngman |
Tel: 01273 291408 |
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the number and value of waivers authorised under Contract Standing Orders 20.2, 20.3 and 20.4 during the financial years 2017/18 and 2018/19 and the improvements made to the waiver process following Member involvement. |
Procurement of a Corporate Office Supplies Contract
Contact Officer: |
Gabbi Bancroft |
Tel: 01273 292211 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Approved the procurement and award of a contract for the provision of office stationery, office sundries, food and drink sundries, computer consumables, office furniture, cleaning consumables and paper (“Office Supplies”) with an initial term of three years and the option to extend by one year (the “Contract”).
(ii) Granted delegated authority to the Executive Director for Finances & Resources –
(i) To carry out the procurement of the contract referred to in 2.1 above including the award of the contract; and
(ii) To grant the optional extension to the contract referred to in 2.1 of one year should they consider it appropriate at the relevant time. |
Proposals Arising from the Pay and Reward Review 2019
Contact Officer: |
Alison Mcmanamon |
Tel: 01273 290511 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Approved the Reward proposals outlined in Section 3 for implementation on or before April 2020.
(ii) Noted the report including continuing work to support and consult on changes to the pay line. |
Working Towards a Fair and Inclusive Workplace
Contact Officer: |
Alison Mcmanamon |
Tel: 01273 290511 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Noted the findings in the Global HPO report and endorses the co-created Fair & Inclusive Action Plan to support the council’s aim to establish a fair and inclusive culture where expectations around how we work are clear and consistently met;
(ii) Commits to supporting and championing the aims and actions of the Fair & Inclusive Action Plan;
(iii) Instructs officers to bring a progress report in 12 months as part of the governance of the Fair & Inclusive Action Plan. |
Self-Supply Water Licence
Contact Officer: |
Kelvin Newman |
Tel: 01273 290599 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee approved the decision not to apply for a self-supply licence at this time as there is no justifiable business case for doing so and the council has already entered into a contract for the provision of the water retail services covered by a self-supply licence with Castle Water until 31 January 2021 with a possibility to extend this to 31 January 2022. |
Full Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2019
Contact Officer: |
Michael Appleford |
Tel: 01273 291997 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Approved polling district boundaries outlined in Appendix 1 including changes to the following polling districts: a) AT and AU districts merged to form a new AU/KRCA district. b) EU and EX districts merged to form a new EX/KQPD district. c) Boundaries for GX/PHSE, GY/PHSF and GZ/PHSG districts redrawn. d) HZ district split amongst the surrounding districts. e) KT and KZ districts merged to form a new KZ/PKT district. f) Boundaries for NV/HGOA, NY/HGOD and NZ/HGOE districts redrawn.
(ii) Approved the recording of polling districts using a Parliamentary Constituency, Ward, Polling District Reference format as outlined in Appendix 1.
(iii) Approved the polling place schedule outlined in Appendix 1 including changes to the following venues: a) The polling place for EU&E/KQPD as Brighton Youth Centre. b) The polling place for GY/PHSF as City Gate @ The Dip, 119d Hollingdean Terrace. c) The polling place for HT/PPAA as St Thomas More Church Hall. d) The polling place for KT &KZ/PSPB as Brighthelm Church & Community Centre. e) The polling place for LZ/PRED as Brighton Town Hall. f) The polling place for NV/HGOA as Ajex Hall. g) The polling place for NY/HGOD and OZ/HHPD as Hove Rugby Club Pavilion. h) The polling place for NZ/HGOE as Possibility Place. i) The polling place for QZ/HNPE as Hill Park School (formerly Hillside). j) The polling place for RX/HSPD as St Nicholas Parish Centre
(iv) That the Executive Lead – Strategy Governance and Law, acting following consultation with the Council’s Returning Officer, be authorised to take measures, as required by law, to bring the changes indicated in para 2.1 – 2.3; with the authority to make these changes at a time that best fits with any election timetable.
(v) Delegated to the Returning Officer, following consultation with the Group Leaders and respective ward councillors, authority to designate one or more alternative polling places in the event of any polling place not being available at any elections taking place prior to the end of 2020 and before the next full or partial review of polling places |
Frederick Street - Scheme Approval
Contact Officer: |
Laura Webster |
Tel: 01273 292705 |
Ward Affected: |
St Peter's & North Laine |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) To appropriate the Frederick Street car park site (7-9, Frederick Street, Brighton, BN1 4TA) for planning purposes and delegate authority to the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing to appropriate for housing once the development is complete.
(ii) Approved the appropriation of land at Frederick Street from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account for £0.300m, being the best consideration reasonably obtainable.
(iii) Approved the use of £0.300m of commuted sums held for housing purposes as a contribution to the total scheme costs. |
Disposal by lease of Two Sites at Dunster Close, Hollingdean
RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed to the disposal by lease of two areas of land identified at Dunster Close (Site A and Site B), to Bunker Housing Co-operative for a 125-year period with the freehold retained by the council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The granting of the lease for the site was on the basis that best consideration could take the form of an annual ground rent instead of an initial capital payment, and was subject to Bunker obtaining planning consent, securing funding and entering into a nominations agreement with the council.
Attendance Support Procedure
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Approved the implementation of the new Attendance Policy and Procedure for all staff across the council as part of our work on Our People Promise.
(ii) Gave delegated authority to the Executive Director, Finance & Resources to decide on an implementation timetable for the new Attendance Policy and Procedure.
(iii) Recommended to Full Council that the council signs up to the TUC’s Dying to Work Charter, which supports staff with terminal illness to either remain in work as long as they are able, or to help them to access their pension early, depending on their wishes. |
King Alfred Development
Contact Officer: |
Mark Jago |
Tel: 01273 291106 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Noted Crest’s withdrawal from the King Alfred Development project.
(ii) Agreed that the procurement should be closed, that the current project should be ended and that the Council should serve a notice under Regulation 55 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 confirming that the Council will not be awarding a contract.
(iii) Confirmed that provision of a modern Sports Centre in the west of the city remains a Council priority and agrees that new plans should be formulated.
(iv) Noted the outline of key activities proposed as part of the next stage to establish the new project; and seeks to - establish new delivery methods for key aspects of the scheme, including: the exploration of multi-site approaches; reaffirmation of developing elements of the scheme ‘in-house’; public transport infrastructure connectivity for residents.
(v) Agreed to the establishment of a new cross-party Project Board to oversee the new project; notes that the membership of the Board will be on the basis of nominations from each political group; and notes that terms of reference will be brought to a future meeting of this Committee for approval.
(vi) Agreed that a detailed report with proposals for the way forward, including project delivery timescales for the next five years be brought to a future meeting of this Committee. |
Housing Supply Update Report 2019-2023
RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed that for 2019/20, any new revenue costs (estimated at £0.100m) arising from the increased support for delivery of housing supply, should be met from HRA general reserves (current balance £6.980m). |
Royal Pavilion Estate Capital Project Phase 1
Contact Officer: |
Richard Davies |
Tel: 01273 296825 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Noted that the decision to appoint a contractor to complete the stage 1 emergency and remedial works required to the buildings has been taken by the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.
(ii) Noted the recommendation of the Procurement Advisory Board set out in paragraph 3.7.
(iii) Granted delegated authority to the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture to procure and award a contract for the stage 2 works required to complete the project as set out in paragraph 3.6.
(iv) Noted that Policy & Resources Committee approval to vary the capital budget, via the Targeted Budget Management (TBM) reporting process, would be required as set out in paragraph 7.1. |
EU Withdrawal: Response to Full Council Notice of Motion
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Noted the content of this report and appendices.
(ii) Agreed to the continuation of BHCC’s contingency planning for Brexit, which will continue to be informed by national best practice and include developing key resilience building opportunities for the council and city aligned with the council’s strategic priorities. |
Home Purchase Policy opportunity - purchase of a portfolio of properties
Contact Officer: |
Diane Hughes |
Tel: 01273 293159 |
Ward Affected: |
East Brighton; Hanover & Elm Grove |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Agreed to purchase the three flats at 1 Rugby Road, Brighton at a total value of £0.550m
(ii) Approved a HRA capital budget of £0.590m inclusive of all fees and statutory taxes to be funded by Right to Buy Receipts and HRA Borrowing. |
RPM Trust
Contact Officer: |
Steve Foster |
Tel: 01273 291646 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Agreed the in principle decision of the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee in June 2019 that the Royal Pavilion & Museums service transfers to the Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust.
(ii) Noted the positive progress to date and that the final legal agreements between the council and the Trust will be brought to the December Policy & Resources Committee for approval.
(iii) Noted the governance arrangements, that Member nominations will be proposed via the December Policy and Resources Committee
(iv) Noted the financial model, including the anticipated council contributions and consequent short term draw on council reserves.
(v) Noted the commitment to retain staff membership in the local government pension scheme (LGPS) at the time of transfer, and that discussions are continuing over the pensions proposals for other transferred and new staff.
(vi) Noted the proposed commitments to staff made by the Trust;
(vii) Agreed that the Thompson Bequest, Royal Pavilion Renewal Fund, Brighton & Hove Natural History Society Reserve, Museums Objects Reserves and James Green Foundation Reserve are transferred to the RPM Trust on transfer of the management of the RPM as detailed in paragraph 3.9.1.
(viii) Noted that the intention is for the service to transfer by 1 April 2020. |
Site Purchase - Valley Social Centre
Contact Officer: |
Jo Thompson |
Tel: 01273 291466 |
Ward Affected: |
East Brighton |
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(i) Authorised the freehold acquisition of Valley Social Centre at the appropriate price following independent valuation advice.
(ii) Approved budget for this acquisition will be added to the 2019/20 HRA capital programme and will be funded from commuted resources held by the council. Further detail is included in the part 2 report.
(iii) Agreed that delegated powers be given to the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods Communities & Housing, the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture and the Executive Lead of Strategy, Governance and Law to agree terms for the acquisition. |
Lease Surrender - Oakley Motor Units Ltd, Oakley House, Edward St, Brighton
Contact Officer: |
Ododo Dafe |
Tel: 01273 293201 |
Ward Affected: |
Queen's Park |
RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed to the lease surrender for the agreed lease premium detailed in the Part 2 report, and authorises that delegated powers be given to the Executive Director Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing, and the Head of Legal Services to agree terms. |
Appointment of Councillors to Outside Bodies
RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed the appointment of Councillors to the Following:
(i) Councillor Knight to be a member of Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes Ltd
(ii) Councillor Williams to be a member of the Homes for the City of Brighton & Hove Ltd
(iii) Councillor Williams be a Director of the Homes for City of Brighton & Hove Design & Build Company Ltd
RESOVLED: That the Committee agreed
(i) To change the title of the current role of Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing to Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities
(ii) That the name change be effective for the purposes of advertisement to the post and the commencement of the newly appointed Executive Director |