Subject: |
Corporate plan 2020-2023 |
Date of Meeting: |
19 December 2019 5 December 2019 - Policy & Resources Committee |
Report of: |
Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law (Monitoring Officer) |
Contact Officer: |
Name: |
Simon Newell |
Email: | |
Ward(s) affected: |
(All Wards); |
1.1 The corporate plan 2020-23 is part of the council's policy framework. The plan provides the overall direction for the council over the coming three years. It describes the outcomes the council aims to achieve for the city. It sets out at a high level how the council intends to deliver those outcomes. The plan also drives business planning for the council with detailed delivery plans set out in directorate and service plans. Monitoring of progress is through the council’s performance framework which is regularly reported to the Policy & Resources Committee.
1.2 The draft corporate plan 2020-23 is included at appendix 1 of this report.
2.1 That the Committee approves the draft corporate plan 2020-2023 for submission to full Council for final agreement on 19 December 2019.
3.1 The plan sets out six intended outcomes. These are:
· A city to call home
· A city working for all
· A stronger city
· A growing and learning city
· A sustainable city
· A healthy and caring city
3.2 For each outcome commitments and actions have been grouped into five themes.
3.3 In addition three priority areas for additional focus have been identified. These are:
· Carbon neutral by 2030
· Housing, homelessness and rough sleeping
· Build community wealth, so that local people and organisations benefit from prosperity in the city.
3.4 Contextual information about the city’s population and the council’s services and spending is included in the introductory sections.
3.5 The final chapter covers enablers for successful delivery of the plan. These include the council’s Customer Promise, the Fair and Inclusive Workplace Promise, work to modernise the way the council conducts its business and partnership working.
4.1 The corporate plan 2020-23 is part of the council’s policy framework. Consideration of previous plans, earlier drafts and feedback from policy committee chairs has led a more concise plan with a clearer focus on city wide outcomes and priorities to give focus to the work of the organisation.
5.1 Priorities in the corporate plan have been discussed with partners and stakeholders and their feedback has been reflected in the draft plan.
6.1 The Committee are asked to agree the corporate plan for submission to full Council on 19 December 2019 for final approval.
Financial Implications:
7.1 The corporate plan 2020-23 should be considered in the context of preparing a new Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for the same period, and will consequently inform the budget setting process for 2020/21. Budget proposals will therefore reflect priorities where possible.
7.2 Given the potential for a change in government and also that the existing Spending Review period covers only 2020/21, the detail of any MTFS may have to wait until there is a clearer picture of the funding envelope for local government from 2021-22 onwards.
7.3 Monitoring progress against performance measures is a key element of the Performance and Risk Management Framework; any financial risks or resource requirements identified as a result will be considered in budget monitoring and in developing future years’ budgets.
Finance Officer Consulted: David Kuenssberg Date: 05/11/19
Legal Implications:
7.4 The council’s Constitution provides that the Policy & Resources Committee has responsibility for formulating the corporate plan, whereas formal approval of the final version is a matter reserved to full Council. The Corporate Plan forms part of the Council’s policy framework, which means any decisions of Committees or officers need to be in consistent with the Plan. The adoption of the plan will help the Council is achieving a more coherent policy direction and more effective prioritisation of resources which, in turn, help the Council in complying with its best value duty under the Local Government Act 1999.
Lawyer Consulted: Abraham Ghebre-Ghiorghis Date: 7 November 2019
Equalities Implications:
7.5 The council is subject to the general equality duty set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. This duty covers the following protected characteristics: age, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, and sexual orientation.
7.6 In delivering the plan the council must have due regard to the need to:
· Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
· Advance equality of opportunity between different groups
· Foster good relations between different groups
7.7 The draft corporate plan has been shared with the council’s equalities manager and their comments have been reflected in the plan. Given the breadth of the corporate plan and the complexity of relevant protected characteristics and their intersections it is not possible to analyse all the impacts of the plan in relation to legally protected characteristics. However, the council’s legal duties (Equality Act 2010) have shaped the development of the plan and inform its content, in relation to eliminating discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations.
7.8 It is also recommended that specific initiatives set out in the plan require a more detailed Equalities Impact Assessment as part of the council’s decision making process. Areas of investment identified in the corporate plan, as well as other decisions relating to implementation of the plan, will require Equality Impact Assessment as proposals are brought forward to relevant committees or Full Council.
Sustainability Implications:
7.9 Sustainability implications are set out across the plan with a particular focus given to sustainability in the chapter A sustainable city. The plan as a whole seeks to achieve a fairer city which has a sustainable future.
Any Other Significant Implications:
Crime and Disorder Implications
7.10 Crime and disorder implications are described in the corporate plan in the chapter A stronger city.
Risk and Opportunity Management Implications
7.11 Progress against delivery of the corporate plan will be monitored through the council’s Performance and Risk Management Framework.
Public Health Implications
7.12 Public health implications are described in the corporate plan in the chapter A healthy and caring city. Other measures in the plan will have a direct impact on improving health and reducing health inequalities, for example, improving air quality and facilitating cycling and walking.
Corporate / Citywide Implications
7.13 The corporate plan sets out the outcomes that the council seeks to achieve for the city. These form the basis for work with partners and the wider community to achieve a fairer and more sustainable city.
1. Draft corporate plan 2020-23
Documents in Members’ Rooms
1. Hard copy of the draft corporate plan 2020-23
Background Documents