Valley Gardens Task & Finish Member Working Group
The MWG has met on three occasions as noted in the main body of the report. The second meeting of the MWG (February 2020) included events stakeholder representation. Actions arising from that meeting have enabled progress in evolving the schemes evolving design to better accommodate events at Old Steine, and work towards introducing sustainable events infrastructure, such a three-phase power into the area.
An events stakeholder workshop was held in October 2020 that provided an update on the actions arising from the February 2020 MWG meeting.
The third MWG meeting (July 2020) facilitated discussion around shaping the wider stakeholder engagement workshops that were conducted from September-November 2020.
Assurances have been provided which commit officers to continue collaborating with events (and other key stakeholders) to develop events contingency planning for the construction stages as well as the final technical requirements and scheme design, so that events spaces are maintained and enhanced in accordance with the Phase 3 projects core design objectives.
Local Cycling & Walking Task & Finish Member Working Group
The first MWG meeting was held in December 2019 and to date the group has assisted with steering the LCWIP project, steered and inputted into the stakeholder engagement process, and has scrutinised the walking & cycling network development process. This member involvement has resulted in further detailed work being undertaken on the draft cycling and walking network improvements prior to the document going to public consultation in the future.
Stanmer Park Restoration Project
The MWG met three times, last meeting in August 2020. Two of these meetings included representation from Stanmer stakeholder groups, with particular interest in subject matter, e.g. Traditional Agricultural buildings progress and Traffic Regulation Orders. Officers directly involved in the groups remit attended.
Useful discussions took place regarding the management of parking and the scope of the Traffic Regulation Orders and the mitigation measures to be put in place for the village residents and businesses.