Appendix 2
1. Name
Valley Gardens Member Working Group (MWG)
2. Purpose
This MWG will offer the opportunity for engagement in, and oversight of the ongoing development and delivery of the Valley Gardens project (Phase 3).
Members can request attendance of key stakeholders to the MWG meetings in accordance with planned stakeholder engagement plan(s) or on an ad hoc basis.
Phases 1 & 2 have completed which is now subject to a period of monitoring and operational maintenance contracts.
The purpose of the MWG is to ensure Members have practical oversight between committees, while enabling interested stakeholders to have a tangible input into the discussions, and the associated recommendations on key tasks and issues associated with delivery of the project. The group itself will not make decisions; these will always be made at Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee.
3. Status
This MWG will function as a permanent advisory group for the lifecycle of the project reporting to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee. The group will not have subcommittee status and the political balance rules in section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will not apply.
4. Areas of focus
This MWG will have focus on key areas including:
· Remaining scheme design/delivery matters for Phase 3
· Stakeholder engagement oversight
· To include construction planning such as temporary traffic management plans and events contingency planning etc.
5. Reporting
The group will report to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, with recommendations as necessary.
6. Membership
Membership of the MWG shall consist of three elected Members from the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, one from each political party, following nominations by their Group Leaders, supported primarily by officers from the City Transport Division and Economy, Environment and Culture Directorate.
Substitutes for the above members of the MWG may attend as and when required.
This MWG will have the ability to co-opt stakeholders onto the group and/or invite stakeholders to engage in specific thematic meetings, as requested and agreed by Members in order to ensure that there is an appropriate level of representation of views, experience and knowledge to help inform the stakeholder input.
7. Meetings and ways of working
Meetings of this MWG are scheduled to take place monthly or as required to support the scheme development and stakeholder engagement process, and to also inform the development of recommendations to be included in reports to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee.
The timing and number of MWG meetings will be dictated by the volume of business for the MWG. The MWG membership will arrange thematic meetings in order to ensure that it addresses all relevant issues in a focused and manageable way. Each MWG meeting will determine which business will be on the next agenda, the date of that meeting, and any external attendance and suitable venue, as required.
Agendas and meeting notes will also be prepared and circulated at least one week in advance of the MWG meetings. Minutes of each MWG will be drafted and circulated to the MWG membership to obtain sign off.
8. Review
This is an MWG established for the lifecycle of the project or until the MWG membership decide to terminate its meeting. This MWG will be reviewed with stakeholders, if required, at regular intervals and annually in order to maintain its purpose and effectiveness.