Equality Impact and Outcome Assessment (EIA) Template - 2019
EIAs make services better for everyone and support value for money by getting services right first time.
EIAs enable us to consider all the information about a service, policy or strategy from an equalities perspective and then action plan to get the best outcomes for staff and service-users[1].They analyse how all our work as a council might impact differently on different groups[2]. They help us make good decisions and evidence how we have reached these decisions[3].
See end notes for full guidance. Either hover the mouse over the end note link (eg: Age13) or use the hyperlinks (‘Ctrl’ key and left click).
For further support or advice please contact:
1. Equality Impact and Outcomes Assessment (EIA) Template
First, consider whether you need to complete an EIA, or if there is another way to evidence assessment of impacts, or that an EIA is not needed[4].
Title of EIA[5] |
Covid Winter Grant |
ID No.[6] |
Team/Department[7] |
Families, Children & Learning/Revenues & Benefits |
Focus of EIA[8] |
The Covid Winter Grant has been allocated to the council for allocation prior to 31 March 2021. A total of £0.865m was provided by central government with a set of criteria for its use. The EIA is focussed on how its use will impact differently on different groups. |
3. Review of information, equality analysis and potential actions
Groups to assess |
What do you know[9]? Summary of data about your service-users and/or staff |
What do people tell you[10]? Summary of service-user and/or staff feedback |
What does this mean[11]? Impacts identified from data and feedback (actual and potential) |
What can you do[12]? All potential actions to: · advance equality of opportunity, · eliminate discrimination, and · foster good relations |
Age[13] |
The allocation of the initial tranche of funding was focussed on school aged pupils and those in receipt of the Early Year Pupil Premium and receiving support via children centres.
Older people are unable to receive support from the original allocation. |
There was concern that older young people and those who are due to give birth would not be able to access the support already agreed.
A number of young people who attend colleges or are NEET may not be able to benefit from the grant funding.
A number of older people may not be able to benefit from the grant funding.
The council has ensured that discretionary allocations can be made for those who fit under the work of the Early Years Team, School Meals service including sixth form provision. The council has ensured that a number or organisations working with young people will receive direct funding and have the ability to apply for further grant funding.
Older people will be able to access support via the LDSF and initiatives put in place by organisations successful in being awarded grant funding. |
Disability[14] |
The allocation of the initial tranche of funding was focussed on school aged pupils and those in receipt of the Early Year Pupil Premium and receiving support via children centres. This was likely to cover children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) who have an Education, Health & Care Plan and placed in schools/colleges |
There was concern that older young people with disabilities would not be able to access the support already agreed.
There was concern that a number of families who do not meet the threshold of support under an EHCP, EYPP or FSM would need receive any support. |
A number of young people with a disability or who live in families where adults have a disability may not be able to benefit from the grant funding. |
The council has ensured that discretionary allocations can be made for those who fit under the work of the Early Years Team, School Meals service including sixth form provision.
The council has ensured that a number or organisations working with young people with disabilities and their families receive direct funding and can apply for further grant funding.
Gender reassignment[15] |
The allocation of the initial tranche of funding was focussed on school aged pupils and those in receipt of the Early Year Pupil Premium and receiving support via children centres. Those children and young people in this category may not be directly supported. |
There was a need to ensure that children and young people and their families who need support over the winter had access to additional support provided for by this grant. |
This means that families in this category may miss out on support. |
The council has ensured that Allsorts receive direct funding and can apply for further grant funding to support this work.
Also, the council will raise awareness of the ability to allocate discretionary support for families via referral routes that link into the Early Years and Free School Meal teams. |
Pregnancy and maternity[16] |
The allocation of the initial tranche of funding was focussed on school aged pupils and those in receipt of the Early Year Pupil Premium and receiving support via children centres |
There was concern that prospective parents would not be able to access the support already agreed. |
A number of pregnant people may not be able to benefit from the grant funding. |
The council has ensured that discretionary allocations can be made for those who fit under the work of the Early Years Team, School Meals service including sixth form provision. The council has ensured that a number or organisations working with families with young people will receive direct funding and have the ability to apply for further grant funding.
Race/ethnicity[17] Including migrants, refugees and asylum seekers |
The allocation of the initial tranche of funding was focussed on school aged pupils and those in receipt of the Early Year Pupil Premium and receiving support via children centres |
There was concern that this group would not be able to access the support already agreed.
A number of families in this category but not in receipt of additional support for their children and young people would not be known and be able to access support being made available.
The council has ensured that discretionary allocations can be made for those who fit under the work of the Early Years Team, School Meals service including sixth form provision. This will allow the EMAS service to refer families who are in need of support. The council has ensured that BMEYPP will receive direct funding and have the ability to apply for further grant funding. |
Religion or belief[18] |
No disproportionate impacts identified. |
Sex/Gender[19] |
No disproportionate impacts identified. |
Sexual orientation[20] |
The allocation of the initial tranche of funding was focussed on school aged pupils and those in receipt of the Early Year Pupil Premium and receiving support via children centres. Those children and young people in this category may not be directly supported. |
There was a need to ensure that children and young people and their families who need support over the winter had access to additional support provided for by this grant. |
This means that families in this category may miss out on support. |
The council has ensured that Allsorts receive direct funding and can apply for further grant funding to support this work.
Also, the council will raise awareness of the ability to allocate discretionary support for families via referral routes that link into the Early Years and Free School Meal teams. |
Marriage and civil partnership[21] |
Community Cohesion[22] |
Families with English as additional language |
The allocation of the initial tranche of funding was focussed on school aged pupils and those in receipt of the Early Year Pupil Premium and receiving support via children centres |
There was concern that this group would not be able to access the support already agreed.
A number of families in this category but not in receipt of additional support for their children and young people would not be known and be able to access support being made available.
The council has ensured that discretionary allocations can be made for those who fit under the work of the Early Years Team, School Meals service including sixth form provision. This will allow the EMAS service to refer families who are in need of support. The council has ensured that BMEYPP will receive direct funding and have the ability to apply for further grant funding. |
Cumulative impact[23] |
Assessment of overall impacts and any further recommendations[24] |
It is essential that to meet the requirements of the grant and to address the impact of the original allocation that the remainder of the funding should be used to ensure that other groups receive direct funding and the opportunity to apply for a further grant to support work with particular groups that also meets the criteria of the grant.
4. List detailed data and/or community feedback that informed your EIA
Title (of data, research or engagement) |
Date |
Gaps in data |
Actions to fill these gaps: who else do you need to engage with? (add these to the Action Plan below, with a timeframe) |
Brighton Food Partnership have been part of the working group examining how the grant funding is to be used in the city. |
5. Prioritised Action Plan[25]
Impact identified and group(s) affected |
Action planned |
Expected outcome |
Measure of success |
Timeframe |
NB: These actions must now be transferred to service or business plans and monitored to ensure they achieve the outcomes identified. |
Some groups will not benefit from the allocation of the initial grant funding supplying supermarket food vouchers to those in receipt of free school meals or similar measures in Early Years settings and discretionary support such as the childrens centre foodbanks. |
To ensure the remaining grant allocation is available for discretionary award via the early years and free school meals team. The award of direct allocations to organisations working with children and young people and the development of a grant allocation process for organisations working in the city. |
Support will be provided to other groups who may have missed out from the original allocation |
Families are able to access support to assist them with food and bills over the winter. That a greater focus is put on food, its preparation, and benefits of eating together are encouraged. |
Grant funding needs to have been committed by 31 March 2021. |
EIA sign-off: (for the EIA to be final an email must sent from the relevant people agreeing it or this section must be signed)
Staff member completing Equality Impact Assessment: Date:
Directorate Management Team rep or Head of Service/Commissioning: Date:
CCG or BHCC Equality lead: Date:
Guidance end-notes
[1] The following principles, drawn from case law, explain what we must do to fulfil our duties under the Equality Act:
· Knowledge: everyone working for the council must be aware of our equality duties and apply them appropriately in their work.
· Timeliness: the duty applies at the time of considering policy options and/or before a final decision is taken – not afterwards.
· Real Consideration: the duty must be an integral and rigorous part of your decision-making and influence the process.
· Sufficient Information: you must assess what information you have and what is needed to give proper consideration.
· No delegation: the council is responsible for ensuring that any contracted services which provide services on our behalf can comply with the duty, are required in contracts to comply with it, and do comply in practice. It is a duty that cannot be delegated.
· Review: the equality duty is a continuing duty. It applies when a policy is developed/agreed, and when it is implemented/reviewed.
· Proper Record Keeping: to show that we have fulfilled our duties we must keep records of the process and the impacts identified.
NB: Filling out this EIA in itself does not meet the requirements of the equality duty. All the requirements above must be fulfilled or the EIA (and any decision based on it) may be open to challenge. Properly used, an EIA can be a tool to help us comply with our equality duty and as a record that to demonstrate that we have done so.
[2]Our duties in the Equality Act 2010
As a public sector organisation, we have a legal duty (under the Equality Act 2010) to show that we have identified and considered the impact and potential impact of our activities on all people in relation to their ‘protected characteristics’ (age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, and marriage and civil partnership).
This applies to policies, services (including commissioned services), and our employees. The level of detail of this consideration will depend on what you are assessing, who it might affect, those groups’ vulnerability, and how serious any potential impacts might be. We use this EIA template to complete this process and evidence our consideration.
The following are the duties in the Act. You must give ‘due regard’ (pay conscious attention) to the need to:
- Remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics
- Taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people
- Encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low
- Consider if there is a need to treat disabled people differently, including more favourable treatment where necessary
- Tackle prejudice
- Promote understanding
[3] EIAs are always proportionate to:
The greater the impacts, the more thorough and demanding the process required by the Act will be.
[4] When to complete an EIA:
Assessment of equality impact can be evidenced as part of the process of reviewing or needs assessment or strategy development or consultation or planning. It does not have to be on this template, but must be documented. Wherever possible, build the EIA into your usual planning/review processes.
Do you need to complete an EIA? Consider:
If there are potential impacts on people but you decide not to complete an EIA it is usually sensible to document why.
[5] Title of EIA: This should clearly explain what service / policy / strategy / change you are assessing
[6] ID no: The unique reference for this EIA. If in doubt contact your CCG or BHCC equality lead (see page 1)
[7] Team/Department: Main team responsible for the policy, practice, service or function being assessed
[8] Focus of EIA: A member of the public should have a good understanding of the policy or service and any proposals after reading this section. Please use plain English and write any acronyms in full first time - eg: ‘Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)’
This section should explain what you are assessing:
[9] Data: Make sure you have enough data to inform your EIA.
· What data relevant to the impact on specific groups of the policy/decision/service is available?[9]
· What further evidence is needed and how can you get it? (Eg: further research or engagement with the affected groups).
· What do you already know about needs, access and outcomes? Focus on each of the groups identified above in turn. Eg: who uses the service? Who doesn’t and why? Are there differences in outcomes? Why?
· Have there been any important demographic changes or trends locally? What might they mean for the service or function?
· Does data/monitoring show that any policies or practices create particular problems or difficulties for any groups?
· Do any equality objectives already exist? What is current performance like against them?
· Is the service having a positive or negative effect on particular people in the community, or particular groups or communities?
[10] Engagement: You must engage appropriately with those likely to be affected to fulfil the equality duty.
· What do people tell you about the services?
· Are there patterns or differences in what people from different groups tell you?
· What information or data will you need from communities?
· How should people be consulted? Consider:
(a) consult when proposals are still at a formative stage;
(b) explain what is proposed and why, to allow intelligent consideration and response;
(c) allow enough time for consultation;
(d) make sure what people tell you is properly considered in the final decision.
· Try to consult in ways that ensure all perspectives can be considered.
· Identify any gaps in who has been consulted and identify ways to address this.
[11] Your EIA must get to grips fully and properly with actual and potential impacts.
· The equality duty does not stop decisions or changes, but means we must conscientiously and deliberately confront the anticipated impacts on people.
· Be realistic: don’t exaggerate speculative risks and negative impacts.
· Be detailed and specific so decision-makers have a concrete sense of potential effects. Instead of “the policy is likely to disadvantage older women”, say how many or what percentage are likely to be affected, how, and to what extent.
· Questions to ask when assessing impacts depend on the context. Examples:
o Are one or more groups affected differently and/or disadvantaged? How, and to what extent?
o Is there evidence of higher/lower uptake among different groups? Which, and to what extent?
o If there are likely to be different impacts on different groups, is that consistent with the overall objective?
o If there is negative differential impact, how can you minimise that while taking into account your overall aims
o Do the effects amount to unlawful discrimination? If so the plan must be modified.
o Does the proposal advance equality of opportunity and/or foster good relations? If not, could it?
[12] Consider all three aims of the Act: removing barriers, and also identifying positive actions we can take.
· Where you have identified impacts you must state what actions will be taken to remove, reduce or avoid any negative impacts and maximise any positive impacts or advance equality of opportunity.
· Be specific and detailed and explain how far these actions are expected to improve the negative impacts.
· If mitigating measures are contemplated, explain clearly what the measures are, and the extent to which they can be expected to reduce / remove the adverse effects identified.
· An EIA which has attempted to airbrush the facts is an EIA that is vulnerable to challenge.
[13] Age: People of all ages
[14] Disability: A person is disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. The definition includes: sensory impairments, impairments with fluctuating or recurring effects, progressive, organ specific, developmental, learning difficulties, mental health conditions and mental illnesses, produced by injury to the body or brain. Persons with cancer, multiple sclerosis or HIV infection are all now deemed to be disabled persons from the point of diagnosis.
[15] Gender Reassignment: A transgender person is someone who proposes to, starts or has completed a process to change their gender. A person does not need to be under medical supervision to be protected
[16] Pregnancy and Maternity: Protection is during pregnancy and any statutory maternity leave to which the woman is entitled.
[17] Race/Ethnicity: This includes ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality, and includes refugees and migrants, and Gypsies and Travellers. Refugees and migrants means people whose intention is to stay in the UK for at least twelve months (excluding visitors, short term students or tourists). This definition includes asylum seekers; voluntary and involuntary migrants; people who are undocumented; and the children of migrants, even if they were born in the UK.
[18] Religion and Belief: Religion includes any religion with a clear structure and belief system. Belief means any religious or philosophical belief. The Act also covers lack of religion or belief.
[19] Sex/Gender: Both men and women are covered under the Act.
[20] Sexual Orientation: The Act protects bisexual, gay, heterosexual and lesbian people
[21] Marriage and Civil Partnership: Only in relation to due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination.
[22] Community Cohesion: What must happen in all communities to enable different groups of people to get on well together.
[23] Cumulative Impact: This is an impact that appears when you consider services or activities together. A change or activity in one area may create an impact somewhere else
[24] Assessment of overall impacts and any further recommendations
[25] Action Planning: The Equality Duty is an ongoing duty: policies must be kept under review, continuing to give ‘due regard’ to the duty. If an assessment of a broad proposal leads to more specific proposals, then further equality assessment and consultation are needed.