Appendix 4
Equality Impact and Outcome Assessment (EIA)
Title of EIA |
Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2021/22 |
ID No. |
1 |
Team/Department |
Revenues and Benefits |
Focus of EIA |
The focus of this EIA is the impact of what the proposed change to the Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme from April 2020 would mean for recipients of CTR.
The proposals are all designed to make the scheme more generous for those who are eligible to receive it. They are that:
Previous EIA’s cover the existing Council Tax Reduction scheme, including all of its amendments to date. The focus of this EIA is therefore to examine the change proposed for the 2021/22 year.
Some groups of people sharing protected characteristics are disproportionately likely to be recipients of CTR (e.g.: disabled people, women as heads of lone parent households and people in some age groups). Any changes in personal circumstances will be entirely dependent on the individual’s circumstances however, and no trends have been identified that disproportionately disadvantage or benefit people sharing characteristics. As the proposed changes are designed to make the scheme more generous and apply across the board to all eligible recipients of CTR, no negative consequence to particular characteristic groups have been identified.
The cost of the
scheme will be an estimated |
Assessment of overall impacts and any further recommendations |
For clarity all disproportionate impacts on specific groups are highlighted in the single section below. Overall impacts and notes:
Potential issues |
Mitigating actions |
The following mitigations exist in general for the CTR scheme to guard against disproportionate negative consequence of the CTR scheme in general:
Actions planned |
The possible impact on services is highlighted in the main CTR review report for Policy & Resources Committee and then full Council to consider in January 2021. Any individual service proposals will be subject to their own EIA's in their relevant service areas. |