Covid-19 Staff Recognition
To amend the motion with the insertion changes of an additional point of 2.4 as shown below in bold italics.
2.1. That the Policy & Resources Committee (P&R) agree to an additional day’s leave being awarded to all directly employed staff, as set out in paragraphs 3.10 – 3.13,during the 21/22 annual leave year.
2.2. To note that the council will introduce a new scheme to recognise those individuals and teams who have made a significant contribution to our Covid-19 response.
2.3. To note that further work will be done to promote the benefits to wellbeing of taking time off.
2.4 That the Chief Executive writes to the Chancellor highlighting the significant contributions of Council staff in responding to the pandemic, and urging the public sector pay freeze be lifted, in favour of an improved pay award for Local Government staff. |
Proposed by: Cllr Allcock Seconded by: Cllr Platts
Motion if carried to read: |
2.1. That the Policy & Resources Committee (P&R) agree to an additional day’s leave being awarded to all directly employed staff, as set out in paragraphs 3.10 – 3.13,during the 21/22 annual leave year.
2.2. To note that the council will introduce a new scheme to recognise those individuals and teams who have made a significant contribution to our Covid-19 response.
2.3. To note that further work will be done to promote the benefits to wellbeing of taking time off.
2.4 That the Chief Executive writes to the Chancellor highlighting the significant contributions of Council staff in responding to the pandemic, and urging the public sector pay freeze be lifted, in favour of an improved pay award for Local Government staff. |