BH2020/00002 |
Ward: |
Rottingdean Coastal Ward |
App Type: |
Full Planning Application |
Address: |
Coombe Farm Westfield Avenue North Saltdean Brighton BN2 8HP |
Proposal: |
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 72 dwelling houses with associated parking and landscaping.
Officer: |
Jane Moseley |
Valid Date: |
08.01.2020 |
Con Area: |
Expiry Date: |
19.03.2021 |
Listed Building Grade: |
EOT: |
Agent: |
Mr Chris Frost 2 Wardrobe Place London EC4V 5AH |
Applicant: |
Gold (Saltdean) Ltd C/o Future PD 2 Wardrobe Place London EC4V 5AH |
1.1 At the Planning Committee meeting on 2 December 2020, the Committee considered a report on the above application (“the December report”) and resolved they were Minded to Grant planning permission for the redevelopment of a site at Coombe Farm in Saltdean to provide 72 dwellings, with associated parking and landscaping.
1.2 The resolution to be Minded to Grant permission was subject to the completion of a S106 agreement containing Heads of Term relating to public art, employment highway works, a Residential Travel Plan, and affordable housing. The latter Head of Term stated the following:
“Affordable housing:
· Provision of 40% affordable housing (29 units)
· Unit mix :
- 4 x 1 bed 14%
- 7 x 2 bed 24%
- 18 x 3 bed 62%
· 55% Affordable Rent
· 45% Shared Ownership”
1.3 The applicant is now seeking to amend the Heads of Terms to provide intermediate rent instead of shared ownership, as follows:
· 55% Affordable Rent
· 45% Intermediate Rent
1.4 No change is proposed to the level of affordable housing provided (40%) or the unit mix.
2.1 That the Committee resolves to be Minded to Grant planning permission subject to a s106 Planning Obligation and the Conditions and Informatives all as set out in the December report SAVE THAT the 106 Planning Obligation Head of Term for 45% Shared Ownership shall be substituted by a Head of Term for 45% Intermediate Rent and SAVE FURTHER THAT should the s106 Planning Obligation not be completed on or before the 24th March 2021 the Head of Planning is hereby authorised to refuse planning permission for the reasons set out in section 13 of the December report.
3.1 A detailed description of the proposed development, its location, the background to the application and representations received can be found in the December report accessed via the following link:
(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Planning Committee, 02/12/2020 14:00 (
3.2 As noted, a number of Heads of Terms were set out in the Committee Report, including identifying the nature of the affordable housing to be provided. In this case, it was agreed to provide 55% affordable rented units, and 45% shared ownership units.
3.3 In the process of negotiating the S106 legal agreement and finalising details to bring the development forward, the applicant has reached the conclusion that intermediate rented accommodation is preferable, so is now seeking to replace the shared ownership units with intermediate rented units. There would be no loss of affordable housing provision on the site.
3.4 The glossary at Annex 2 to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) defines ‘affordable housing’ as “Housing for sale or rent, for those whose needs are not met by the market”, with four different types listed, namely (a) affordable housing for rent; (b) starter homes; (c) discounted market sales housing; and (d) other affordable routes to home ownership.
3.5 The latter is defined as: “housing provided for sale that provides a route to ownership for those who could not achieve home ownership through the market. It includes shared ownership, relevant equity loans, other low cost homes for sale (at a price equivalent to at least 20% below local market value) and rent to buy (which includes a period of intermediate rent).” [emphasis added]
3.6 Intermediate rent is rent offered at a value above social rent, but below market levels. In this case, the applicant has stated they would provide “homes for rent at a cost above social rent but below market levels, and capped at no more than 80% of open market rent inclusive of service charges.” Eligibility for intermediate rent would be the same as shared ownership (household incomes of less than £80,000/annum, and not owning a property or otherwise able to afford market housing), but would be targeted at lower incomes. The applicant has advised that there would be no option to purchase the home on this development. The intention would be that the properties are available to benefit future tenants to have the same opportunity to save towards purchasing a home elsewhere in the city
3.7 Because the level of affordable housing provided on the site would remain unchanged, the proposed amendment would still accord with Policy CP20 of City Plan Part 1.
3.8 In their response to the application, the Housing Strategy team noted their support for the application, including the comment that:
“Our published Affordable Housing Brief sets out the following broad tenure split as a citywide objective:
55% Social Rent or Affordable Rent
45% Intermediate e.g. Shared Ownership
The proposal here is for 29 affordable housing properties with a split of 55% as affordable rent (16 properties) and 45% (13 properties) for shared ownership sale, which is a compliant tenure split.” (Officer Report to 2 December 2020 Planning Committee, paragraph 6.68).
3.9 The proposed amendment would retain 55% affordable rent, and 45% intermediate affordable housing, so would remain a compliant tenure split. Officers from the Housing Strategy team have been involved in discussions with the applicant about the proposed amendment and confirm that they have no concerns.
3.10 On this basis, it is considered that the amendment to provide 45% intermediate rented units, rather than shared ownership units, would be acceptable, and remain compliant with planning policy and the Council’s Affordable Housing Brief.
4.1 The applicant is proposing to amend one of the Heads of Terms that the Planning Committee resolved it was Minded to Grant for the redevelopment of Coombe Farm to provide 72 dwellings. While 40% affordable housing will still be provided, the applicant would provide 45% of this as intermediate rent units, rather than shared ownership.
4.2 This remains compliant with the Policy CP21 of City Plan Part 1, and with the comments from the Housing Strategy Team about their citywide objective in relation to tenure split, as set out in their Affordable Housing Brief.
4.3 On this basis, it is recommended that the proposed amendment to the Heads of Terms which were agreed by Committee on 2 December last is approved. The s106 Heads of Terms to be taken forward would therefore be:
Section 106 Head of Terms:
Affordable housing:
· Provision of 40% affordable housing (29 units)
· Unit mix :
- 4 x 1 bed 14%
- 7 x 2 bed 24%
- 18 x 3 bed 62%
· 55% Affordable Rent
· 45% Intermediate Rent
· Commissioning and installation of an Artistic Component to the value of £53,400 within the development in public view or in the immediate vicinity of the site. This could comprise an ‘uplift’ for artistic influence in the public realm to incorporate an artistic component, the specification of which shall be agreed with the council prior to being formally commissioned.
· Submission of an Employment & Training Strategy to secure the use of at least 20% local construction labour
· A financial contribution up to £32,000 towards the Local Employment Scheme
Highway Works
· Alterations to the public highway outside of the site to incorporate the development safely into the highway, including:
· Introduction of new pedestrian crossing on the eastern arm of the junction of Westfield Avenue North and Coombe Vale
· Footway improvements on the north and south side of Westfield Avenue North
Residential Travel Plan
· A Residential Travel Plan document
· Provision of a Travel Pack to each first new resident, which shall include information on local options for sustainable transport and arrangements to get support
· Providing the first resident 2 free bus passes of 12 months duration or a voucher for £200 to be redeemed against the purchase of a bicycle
Background Documents
Planning Application