Appendix 4 – Summary of New and Revised Policies
New Policy |
Policies to be Replaced |
Reasons for Review |
RW0 |
n/a – new policy |
To provide support for construction techniques that use fewer aggregates in order to reduce the transportation and use of minerals and mitigate against climate change. |
RW1 - Sustainable Locations for Waste Development |
WMP7 and 7a - Sustainable Locations for Waste Development |
To clarify an ambiguity in the existing policy requirements. |
RM1 – Provision of Aggregates |
WMP11 – Provision of Aggregates |
To reassess the approach to aggregates provision in line as the permitted aggregate reserves in the Plan Area will be exhausted before the end of the Plan period. Following consideration of reasonable alternatives, the new approach does not allocate any additional sites, but will continue reliance on the existing extraction site, imported material and recycled aggregate. |
RM2 – Provision of Clay |
WMP13 – Provision of Clay |
To allocate a new area for clay extraction at the existing Aldershaw Quarry for a submission to the ‘call for sites’. |
RM3 - Safeguarding Minerals Resources |
WMP14 - Safeguarding Minerals Resources SP8 - Minerals Safeguarding Areas for land won minerals resources within the Plan Area |
To consolidate the policy requirements into a single policy for added clarity. |
RM4 - Prior Extraction of Minerals |
n/a – new policy |
New policy requirement to require extraction of mineral resources prior to alternative development proposals commencing within Minerals Safeguarding Areas in some circumstances. |
RM5 - Safeguarding Wharves and Railheads |
WMP15 - Safeguarding Railheads and Wharves SP9 - Safeguarding wharves and railheads within the Plan Area |
To incorporate reference to the ‘agent of change’ principle introduced in the revised National Planning Policy Framework |
RM6 - Safeguarding facilities for concrete batching, coated materials manufacture and other concrete products with the Plan Area |
SP10 Safeguarding facilities for concrete batching, coated minerals manufacture and other concrete products within the Plan Area |
To remove the list of safeguarded facilities from the policy wording and instead illustrate on the Policies Map, to enable easier updating. |
RM7 - Minerals Consultation Areas |
SP11 Minerals Consultation Areas |
To revise the extents of Mineral Consultation Areas to take into account the constraints of each site. |
RD1 - Environment and Environmental Enhancement |
WMP27 - Environment and Environmental Enhancement |
1. To add a requirement for a net gain in biodiversity. 2. To update the policy requirements to take into account the judgement in Wealden District Council v. Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Lewes District Council and South Downs National Park Authority [2017] |