
Preliminary consideration (Must be achieved in order for further assessment to take


Essential Criteria (EC) Maximum score 6 for each criteria

Supporting Criteria (SC) Maximum score 3 for each criteria

Total out of 48

Criteria number: (see notes at foot of

















Strong level of support from and future commitment to School Streets and other active travel initiatives from the school, especially the Headteacher, Governors and Senior Management Team.

Road classification. The school is not on a major road, bus route or has emergency vehicle stations/routes on the road.

The road must have suitable diversion opportunities.

Installation of bollards and other engineering must be viable and very likely to be successful in preventing prohibited vehicles during the closure

School Travel Plan in place and reviewed within the last 2 years

School Travel mode share (level of car use,level of active travel)

Proximity to an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and/or measurement of CO2/other vehicle emissions

Road collision data over the last 5 years

Number of complaints related to road safety/illegal/ dangerous parking by parents/school in the last 2 years and/or number of CEO (Civil Enforcement Officer) visits requested/Penalty Charge Notices (PCN’s) issued

Potential Park and Stride locations within a 5 or 10 minute walk of the school

Evidence of involvement or engagement in active and sustainable travel initiatives during the last 2 years. (can either be part of a School Travel Plan or stand- alone activities)


Councillor support

Number and type of businesses on the potential School Street(s) to be closed


















Notes on School Streets Criteria

Criteria number:

1.    Input from potential traffic impact from BHCC Traffic Management Team.

2.    Input from a BHCC Transport Projects Engineer/other qualified engineer.

3.    This support should include especially those initiatives that will contribute to the successful impact of School Streets. For example, participation in Walk to School Week, active travel surveys, playground events, willingness to liaise with the local community. This will only be scored after criteria 1 and 2 are ‘met’,

4.    Some schools may have a school travel plan in place that is older than 2 years, in part due to the limited support that we have been able to offer them. However, there is further opportunity for schools to demonstrate their commitment to active and sustainable travel in criteria 10.

5.    Lower current active travel = higher score as potential C02 savings are greater and other vehicle emission pollutants are less. The potential for modal shift (away from car) is greater.

6.    Input from Senior Scientist, Air Quality Officer, BHCC.

7.    Input from the BHCC Transport Projects Team.

8.    Input from the BHCC Parking Analysis Team.

12. Scored against recent communications with Councillors and/or pre-consultation with residents.

13. Fewer businesses = higher score


Assessment/scoring to take place in this order:


1. BHCC School Travel Team to score most criteria at start of the process in discussion with relevant officers

2. Engineers/Traffic Management consulted on relevant criteria

3. School (s) is/are then approached to assess Criteria 3 (level of support), providing the school is suitable for engineering measures/traffic management

4. Councillors

5. Residents (at consultation stage)