Public Engagement Meeting
Agenda Item 10
Subject: Written questions from members of the public.
Date of meeting: 3 February 2022
A period of not more than fifteen minutes shall be allowed for questions submitted by a member of the public who either lives or works in the area of the authority at each ordinary meeting of the Council.
Every question shall be put and answered without discussion, but the person to whom a question has been put may decline to answer. The person who asked the question may ask one relevant supplementary question, which shall be put and answered without discussion.
The following written questions have been received from members of the public.
1. QUESTION From: Adrian Hill
Councillor Davis / Heley, Joint Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee will reply.
2. QUESTION From: David Trangmar
In November 2019 I presented a petition requesting the installation of traffic calming measures/other options for Bristol Gardens to prevent motorists using the road as a rat run and make the road safer for non-road users.
Since then, I have been back to ETS but nothing has happened so far.
Please would you give me an update including likely timescales for a local consultation and resulting works, whatever they are to commence?
Councillor Davis / Heley, Joint Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee will reply.
3. QUESTION From: Mark Walker
For the last 28 years Philip Winnan has been cleaning flats in Lewes Crescent and Sussex Square. He operates with his son through a small, limited company called Chartsworth. An Environmental Enforcement officer has told Philip he will be fined £400 for placing household waste in the communal refuse bins. This is tragic for Philip's livelihood and all paid-for carers in the city who look after older residents who will be criminalised for taking out household rubbish. Is this official council policy?
Councillor Davis / Heley, Joint Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee will reply.
4. QUESTION From: Nicole Anderson
I have a monthly Freedom Leisure membership and myself and my two boys aged 8 and 9 go swimming at the King Alfred every weekend.
Two weeks ago we were leaving the centre, when a man started shouting angrily at the top of his voice: “Just look at this place! It’s falling apart! It’s a disgrace! It’s been like that for 20 years!”
I would like to know whether there are any plans to either redevelop or upgrade the King Alfred, which is clearly now reaching the end of its lifespan and not fit for purpose anymore?
Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee will reply.
5. QUESTION From: Alan Tower
In light of the latest delays to the restoration of Madeira Terrace,
Does the council believe that Madeira Drives' primary purpose is that of a car park and should lost revenue from spaces be allowed to delay the redevelopment of the Terrace any further?
Councillor Osborne / Powell, Joint Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee will reply.
6. QUESTION From: Daniel Harris
I refer to agenda item 71 titled Arrangements for Council and Committee Meetings: these proposals are a stealth power grab and at best a paranoid response to an ever-weakening virus. There are no legal reasons to make these proposed changes and they should be scrapped.
This is a move away from a public facing council and committee system to what looks like a less accountable segregated cabinet system. Debates behind closed doors.
Vital public engagement is proposed to be sidelined to a separate virtual meeting, where members are not even required to attend and listen anymore. For such big changes why was no public consultation undertaken around this?
Councillor Mac Cafferty, Leader of the Council will reply.
7. QUESTION From Grace Upton:
As someone who designed and used questionnaires, I am concerned about the robustness of the questionnaire that accompanied the consultation “improving accessibility on the A259”.( There are more questions on the ethnicity part of the questionnaire than about the plans themselves!) I am at a loss to understand what questions “do you want improved crossing points”, or “more provision of disabled parking bays” - questions that any fair-minded person would answer positively- tell us about the respondents’ views of these plans as a whole.
The idea that such an important matter of reallocating road space can be decided in six questions is to misunderstand wider issues.
Please explain why questions have been “dumbed down” to such a degree that no meaningful conclusions can be drawn about the hugely varied opinions of local residents and traders?
Councillor Davis / Heley, Joint Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee will reply.
8. QUESTION From Laura King:
Last year the Council apologised for failing to publish details of Councillors’ expenses for three years as reported in The Argus on 11th April 2021. The Local Authorities Regulations states a council must publish the information as soon as practicable after the end of a year to which the scheme relates.
What was the reason why Brighton and Hove City Council failed to publish these details as was required by the Regulations?
Councillor Druitt / Gibson, Joint Deputy Chair (Finance) of the Policy & Resources Committee will reply.