Appendix 1
Public Health Community Nursing Contract Options Paper
Adult Social Care and Health Sub-Committee June 2023
1. Health Visiting and School Nursing
The PHCN contract encompasses the delivery of Health Visiting and School Nursing services in the city and is delivered by Sussex Community Foundation Trust (SCFT).
Health Visiting and School Nursing offer three levels of service;
· Universal provided to all families
· Universal Partnership for those families who require some additional support
· Universal Partnership Plus for those families with complex needs working closely with Children’s Social Work.
2. Health Visiting
All families receive the 5 checks and reviews recommended by the national Healthy Child Programme comprising;
· Antenatal
· New Birth visit
· 6-8 week
· 1 Year Review
· 2 Year Review
The service provides advice and support across a wide range of 0-5 yrs child and parent needs including mental health, infant feeding, weaning, sleep issues and signposting and referral to specialist health services.
In addition the Healthy Futures team provides enhanced support for parents and families with additional vulnerabilities such as younger parents, refugee and asylum seeker families and communities experiencing marginalization.
The service employs a specialist health visitor leads for maternal and infant mental health and for infant feeding and is has reached Stage 1 of the UNICEF Baby Friendly standards for breast and infant feeding.
3. School Nursing
The School Nurse team provides health and wellbeing support to pupils in school and college and to parents and carers including advice and support on mental health, sleep, sexual health, routine illnesses and signposting and referral to specialist health services. The team also provides a combined programme of Vision and Hearing Screening and Child Measurement Programme at Reception and Year 6 of Primary School.
The team works closely with education providers, the Council’s PSHE advisory team, the Dug Alcohol and Sexual Health (DASH) team with Ru-OK?, the Public Health Schools programme, the Sexual Health and Contraception (SHAC) and the team providing in school immunisations.
SCFT contracts with youth providers to deliver a referral route for one to one youth support from the School Nursing service.
4. Contract Performance
The NHS provider has consistently met or exceeded the core KPIs for both services throughout the period of the contract with the only dip in some are s of delivery experienced during the COVID 19 pandemic. The service responded to the NHS call for staff to be redeployed. Almost 45% of the Health Visitor team was redeployed for approximately 4 months which impacted on capacity to deliver the pre-pandemic offer. The service has however recovered well from pandemic and rapidly returned to face to face delivery alongside an enhanced digital offer. Parents have greater choice to request a virtual appointment but the service priorities face to face delivery of reviews and checks with an emphasis on safeguarding whilst offering post pandemic virtual meeting options where appropriate.
5. Some key performance figures
Comparative figures against the Key Performance Indicators for quarter 2 of 2022/23 [i][BA1]
Indicator B&H England
% of all infants due for a 6-8 week check 59.7% 49.1%
6-8 wk review who are partially/totally breastfed
% of face-to-face New Birth Visit by 14 days 89.8% 80%
from birth Q4 22/23 94.8%
% of infants receiving 6-8 week review by 8 weeks 89.3% 79.6%
Q4 22/23 90%
% of infants receiving a 1 Year review by 15 months 91.8% 81.5%
Q4 22/23 89.8%
% of infants receiving a 2-2.5 yr review 79.8% 74%
Q4 22/23 82.1%
[BA1]The formatting makes it very hard to read. Might be clearer in a table etc