Cllr. Samer Bagaeen
BH2023/01254 - 17 Old Shoreham Road
13th July 2023:
I met mid-week with the team at DK Architects and with the owners of Loxwood House.
The meeting was very helpful in getting a broader context of the issues and more of the history.
It was particularly interesting that arboriculture had allowed the removal of mature trees on the site (so they said).
At the end of the meeting with David Kemp, Khalid Chaudry, and Rafael who is managing the build on site, we agreed that it is best to call the current applications to committee so that all of the issues are openly discussed and ironed out once and for all.
I am happy to call this to committee on the basis of the loss if green space and biodiversity on site. I did not see a clear landscaping plan in spite of asking David, Khalid and Rafael for one.