Culture, Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Economic Development Committee Agenda Item 69
Subject: Petitions referred from Full Council
Date of meeting: 18 April 2024
Report of: Corporate Director of Corporate Services
Contact Officer:
Ward(s) affected: All
1.1 To receive petitions presented at the Full Council meeting held on the 28 March 2024.
2.1 That the committee responds to the petition either by noting it or where it is considered more appropriate, calls for an officer report on the matter.
3.1 To receive the following:
(1) Referendum to keep the King Alfred Leisure Centre on Hove Seafront
We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to Offer a public referendum on the future of the King Alfred Leisure Centre including the option of restoring the iconic King Alfred leisure centre in its current location to its full Art Deco glory with full indoor sports facilities, community facilities and a re-opening of the roof garden plus underground bowling alley and 450-space underground car park.
It is vital that the popular King Alfred leisure centre is given the chance to continue to serve its local seafront community in its original location without compromise. It is a 3-acre public asset built for the people of Hove 85 years ago, not a private building site. It is also a building of national maritime heritage importance, having provided naval training for 22,500 men and women during WWII. Full restoration would be the cheapest and Greenest option and generations of residents could continue to enjoy it. Residents have so far not been given a fair range of options re the 'redevelopment' of the King Alfred or a fair and unbiased consultation and many do not want a 'King Alfred' leisure centre moved to Hangleton, which is a completely separate community.