Council                                                           Agenda Item 26


Subject:                    Written questions from Councillors


Date of meeting:    11 July 2024


Report of:                 Corporate Director for Corporate Services


Contact Officer:      Name: Anthony Soyinka

                                    Tel: 01273 291006



Ward(s) affected:   All


For general release


The following questions have been received from Councillors and will be taken as read along with the written answer detailed below:


1.         Councillor Hill


I welcome the introduction of a country wide mandatory food waste collection system by 31 March 2026, however implementing this properly within tight budget constraints will be a difficult challenge for our local authority. The previous government did not provide enough additional funds for the scheme so money will have to come from elsewhere to fund this. What is the administration doing to find ways to make up for this funding shortfall?



Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services


2.         Councillor Hill


Food waste collections can lead to bits of food being left in the street.  Even when the bins have a locking mechanism, it is likely that they will not always be used perfectly. If food waste is left in the street, it creates a contamination problem and allows seagulls and rats to get to the food. This is particularly problematic in high student density areas. Will the administration consider hiring additional street cleaners alongside the rollout of the food waste collection system up? What else is it looking at to avoid contamination issues relating to a food waste collection system.


Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services


3.         Councillor Hill


What progress has been made with Southern Water to get funding from them to pay for sustainable urban drainage systems and other improvements?



Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Real


4.         Councillor Hill


Regarding the Springfield Road memorial tree, are we any closer to getting the tree planted in a suitable place and with protections around it to stop it being knocked down by cars as happened before?


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


5.         Councillor Pickett


Net Zero 

The redesign of the Carbon Neutral Programme (CNP) initiated and set up in 2022 included a reduction in gas emissions, an enhancement of biodiversity and an adaption to climate change. The current plan includes only a plan to reduce gas emissions to net zero. Can the administration please explain why they have abandoned any plan to enhance biodiversity or climate adaption? Can they please explain what a net zero plan only looks like? 


Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Service


6.         Councillor Pickett


Clean air

In light of the recent BBC investigation that found that England's clean air zones (CAZs) have raised over £150m for local authorities by charging drivers a fee to enter certain areas in an effort to reduce pollution. The money raised is then reinvested into local transport plans, road repairs, and improvements including clean air school programmes and school streets pilot schemes. When will BHCC initiate its own scheme to improve the welfare and health of this city’s residents and in particular, those of children who are particularly vulnerable, as well as pay for itself in the process?


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member


7.         Councillor Shanks


Residents are concerned that money raised by events in parks and open spaces is not benefitting local communities. Has the administration plans to ensure some money from these can be used locally?


Reply from Cllr Robins Cabinet Member


8.         Councillor Shanks


Please identify which community groups have lost all or some of their funding from the communities’ fund in the last budget


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member


9.         Councillor Shanks


How many posts were removed in the council reorganisation and budget cuts? Does the partial audit reassurance mean that we lack capacity in some areas?


Reply from Cllr Taylor Cabinet Member – Finance and City Regeneration


10.      Councillor Shanks


Please outline the councils strategy to plant more trees, how will you get City Parks and Highways depts to work together with community groups to plant trees in the North Laine and elsewhere?


Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services


11.      Councillor Shanks


When will the administrations plans for a federation of Schools be shared with opposition councillors?


Reply from Cllr Daniel Cabinet Member – Children, Families, Youth Services and for Ending Violence against Women and Girls


12.      Councillor McLeay


As the spraying of glyphosate takes place across the city, resident are finding they are not given warning of when this takes place, there is no signage to say the area has been sprayed and the only way they can tell spraying has taken place is by looking closely for an oily residue. This puts pets and children most at risk. Could there be more forewarning, or notice be given to streets when spraying might take place, and signage put in place to communicate when an area has been sprayed?


Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services


13.      Councillor McLeay


There are streets across the city who would like to manage their own weeds without any use of glyphosate. They applied for weeding kits and on the day it arrived, were met by sprayers on their street. How can residents politely request that they manage their own street, so it can remain glyphosate free? Who should they direct these requests to?


Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services


14.      Councillor McNair


CCTV Orchid View –


There has recently been serious vandalism in Orchid View.  When will CCTV be fitted in Orchid View in order for residents to feel safe?  And what is the timeline?



Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


15.      Councillor Meadows


Patcham Place Pavilion –

Patcham Place pavilion has been repeatedly vandalised.  Fortunately, cricket was able to continue at Patcham Place this season.  What is the council doing to help ensure Patcham Place Pavilion is restored to a usable state and that cricket can continue at this venue long term?


Reply from Cllr Robins Cabinet Member – Sports & Recreation


16.      Councillor McNair


Garden waste collections –

Garden waste collections in Patcham & Hollingbury were severely affected in June.  Why was this?  When is the service expected to return to normal? As residents pay additionally for this service when can they expect to be compensated?



Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services


17.      Councillor Hogan


Recycling in Hove Park –

Recycling in Hove Park has not been collected.  Why is this, and when will a consistent service be established?



Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services


18.      Councillor Hogan


Road resurfacing –

Residents were told Woodland Drive would not be resurfaced, now it is.  This is confusing for residents and has caused significant disruption.  How will residents be notified of resurfacing?



Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


19.      Councillor Lyons


Tongdean Lane parking consultation –

Residents in Tongdean Lane are keen for a parking consultation.  Buses can’t get through.  Could this consultation be commenced in the near future?



Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


20.      Councillor Lyons


Road Resurfacing –

We are grateful for the resurfacing of Hill Brow but why were worse roads in north Brighton ignored, such as Carden Hill?



Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


21.      Councillor Meadows


Enforcement officers –


Why did enforcement officers tell residents in Vale Avenue to take down their signs protesting the Royal Mail development? And, in the process, upset an elderly couple by telling them their sign was illegal when it wasn’t?    Who sent the enforcement officers to speak to the residents at this property?  Can we be reassured that this will not occur again


Reply from Cllr Pumm Cabinet Member – Communities, Equalities and Human Rights


22.      Councillor Theobald


Patcham roundabout –

Please provide an update on the progress being made on ensuring Patcham roundabout is an attractive gateway to the city.


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


23.      Councillor Lyons


Withdean Rd –

Part of Withdean road has a speed limit of 20mph, whilst the section between Withdean Stadium to the junction of Wayland Ave has a 30mph limit. Many households have contacted us requesting a uniform 20mph for the whole road.  Could this be expedited as soon as possible? There have been a number of near accidents.



Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


24.      Councillor Lyons


The Martlet –

We have received requests for traffic calming within The Martlet. Traffic is heavy at school dropping off/collection times.  Could consultation be commenced to decide the most appropriate traffic calming measure?



Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


25.      Councillor McNair


Ukrainian refugee groups –

Is it true that Ukrainian refugee groups in the city are losing funding from the council?  Will Ukrainian organisations and individuals be able to apply for funding from the Brighton & Hove Fairness Fund?



Reply from Cllr Pumm Cabinet Member – Communities, Equalities and Human Rights


26.      Councillor McNair


Taxis –

Why are taxis from outside Brighton & Hove allowed to operate in the city with no checks and no adherence to this council’s rules and regulations?  Local taxi drivers are at a significant disadvantage and their business is suffering.  What will the council do to support our local taxi drivers?


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


27.      Councillor Fishleigh


Parking vouchers - digital discrimination continues in our city. When will printed parking vouchers be available in our City for visitors and residents to purchase?


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


28.      Councillor Fishleigh


Pavements - how much is in the budget for mending pavements and how will areas be prioritised for replacement of paving slabs damaged by weeds and re-laying of slabs that have lifted? 


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


29.      Councillor Fishleigh


Trees - as there is no budget to remove tree stumps, will BHCC allow resident-funded projects to turn these into seats, flower pots and wood sculptures?


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member


30.      Councillor Fishleigh


Unadopted pavement on Marine Drive, Rottingdean - will BHCC now agree that it has responsibility for this area to the east and south of the A259 and Rottingdean High Street junction and partly in front of shops that BHCC owns -  and prioritise for resurfacing please?


Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services


31.      Councillor Earthey


What are the reasons for undertaking these improvements without consultation with the stakeholders of the Undercliff Safety Campaign (which include Rottingdean Parish Council, Ovingdean Residents and Preservation Society, Saltdean Residents Association, the Saltdean Community Association, the proprietors of the Ovingdean Café and Molly’s Café, the two ward councillors, and the local MP)?


Reply from Cllr  Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


32.      Councillor Earthey


What is BHCC’s current plan for improving Undercliff safety (by type of improvement and date of implementation, e,g, rumble strips, signs, barriers, etc)?


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


33.      Councillor Earthey


Please provide BHCC’s budget and costings of their said plan, so it can be seen why there is no money for the Ovingdean – Saltdean stretch, and what the options are for raising finance from alternative sources.


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


34.      Councillor Earthey


What is BHCC’s plan to provide better engagement with the Campaign’s stakeholders?


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


35.      Councillor Earthey


Please provide confirmation that the Stakeholders’ views on Undercliff safety will be incorporated into the final plan.


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm


36.      Councillor Hill


Can Cllr Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services clarify whether Hanover & Elm Grove ward is part of a pilot opt out scheme for glyphosate spraying? Different Labour Councillors have claimed it is either due to high footfall in the area or due to a pilot opt out scheme. Which reason is it? If the latter, is it fair that Cllr Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services’s residents get to be part of a pilot whereas other wards have not been afforded the same right to opt out at this point in time?


Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services



37.      Councillor Bagaeen


Veolia Household Waste Recycling Site (HWRS) Hove

I have received consistent and persistent complaints from residents in the Westdene and Hove Park Ward, and additionally south of the railway, about a ‘pungent’, ‘rancid’, and ‘not transient’ smell from green waste vehicles entering and exiting the Waste Transfer Station.

Why is the council making this problem worse in allowing increasing amounts of green waste entering the site on council vehicles?  


Reply from Cllr Rowkins Cabinet Member – Net Zero & Environmental Services

38.      Councillor Bagaeen


Public path between Woodland Drive and the Three Cornered Copse

In storms in early November 2023, a fence of a house on the passage blew down in the wind blocking the public path between The Three Cornered Copse and Woodland Drive. Soon after, council officers put up a ‘Footpath Closed’ sign and blocked access. This public path was very highly used.

How is it that the council has allowed this public path to remain closed since November 2023?


Reply from Cllr Muten Cabinet Member – Transport, Parking and Public Realm