All staff please note Date ACTION completed refers to when the requested action is done (or planned to be done if outstanding) not this form is filled in.
Ref & Date Outstanding actions raised |
Action |
Officer |
Response including what is completed & outstanding |
Is Action Completed or Outstanding? |
Date Action completed or planned completion date? |
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EAO1 Originally raised March |
Works required on Sandhurst Avenue following visit from tenancy services with Dee Simpson. |
Justine Harris/Grant Richie |
This concerned the letting and car parking spaces on Sandhurst Avenue and parking and enforcement signage. 42 Housing car parking spaces at Sandhurst Avenue, 32 are let to residents and 10 are currently unlet, which are available for interested residents to apply. Clarification that Housing is responsible for the repair and maintenance of its land, including parking spaces. Parking enforcement in Housing car parks relies on clear and consistent signage, which displays information on the parking restrictions in the spaces for drivers. At Sandhurst Avenue, some signs have been unlawfully removed at times, which renders the enforcement operator unable to issue Parking Charge Notices (tickets) until the signs are replaced. Residents can report any removed signs to Housing Customer Services at or on 01273 293030 |
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20.03.24 |
EA1 |
Provide clarification to residents regarding issue of asbestos in LA properties, specifically information given to lease holders due to their separate status. |
Geof Gage
BHCC has standard advice for tenants on our website and within the repair’s handbook regarding asbestos which is as follows:
‘As a tenant you should be aware that there may be asbestos in your home. However, it's only dangerous when it is disturbed, and fibers are released into the air.
This can happen when it is cut, sanded, or drilled, which is why it is important that you contact us for permission before starting any improvements.’
Tenants are also able to request any asbestos surveys that may have been conducted historically to their property, these are provided free of charge.
All buildings built before the year 2000 have the potential to have asbestos. Asbestos use in the built environment was common throughout the UK during the 1940s-1980s construction and building period. Asbestos, being a fibrous silicate mineral, is also widespread in the natural environment.
The presence of asbestos containing materials does not itself present a significant risk to health, if the material remains in good condition. The standard advice from the Health and Safety Executive is to leave these items in situ if they remain in good condition. Information regarding the asbestos within your home can also be found on the HSE website Asbestos in the home (
BHCC acknowledge our responsibility under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, specifically regulation 4, the duty to manage asbestos in non-domestic premises. BHCC regularly undertakes inspection of all known asbestos items within communal areas through a re-inspection program undertaken by UKAS accredited consultants. The 2023-2024 reinspection program is coming to a conclusion and planning for the reinspection program for 2024-2025 has begun.
If you are unsure about asbestos in your home, or require advice or guidance, please contact the Brighton and Hove City Council Help Desk on 0800 0526140 or 01273 294409.
With regard to leaseholders, the structure of the property remains the responsibility of BHCC to maintain along with external features like the roof, soffits, fascia’s etc, this would include any identified asbestos containing materials. There are however some slight differences within the leases across the city, and while the council is responsible for the structure, leaseholders are responsible for the internal areas within their properties, these could include decorative finishes, fixtures, paneling, mechanical and electrical and would remain the responsibility of the leaseholder, this includes any asbestos containing materials. If any historical asbestos information exists for the internal areas of their property, leaseholders can request this.
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01.08.24 |
EA2 |
Cllr Allen requested clarification on whether the statistics in the HPR Q4 23/24 concerned calls incoming, outgoing or both. |
Tom Matthews |
The indicators ‘Calls answered by Housing Customer Services’ and ‘Calls answered by Repairs Helpdesk’ concern incoming calls only.  |
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July 2024 |
EA3 |
Residents requested clarification on the legislative outline for engagement strategies by the authority with residents. |
Community Engagement |
The Social Housing Regulation Act 2023 sets out the things a housing provider must do to ensure those who live in social housing are safe, listened to, live in good quality homes and have access to help when things go wrong. The Act sets out how the council needs to work with tenants within the Transparency, influence and accountability standard
This outline how landlords must deliver, and be open with tenants, treat them with fairness and respect so that tenants can access services, raise complaints, influence decision making and hold their landlord to account.
As well as ensuring the council is being transparent, the council’s engagement strategy and high-rise engagement strategy are plans that describe how the council will meet its legal requirement to offer tenants a way to have a say in any decisions, services or changes which would affect them. Tenant and Leaseholder Engagement Strategy (
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August 24 |
EA4 |
Residents raised concerns regarding overgrowth management being a recurring issue. |
Chloe Mclaughlin |
We recognise that grounds maintenance across our estates is a concern for residents. Chloe Mclaughlin, Estates Service Manager, is currently working with City Parks to improve the scheduling of work. We are compiling a list of areas that we know need attention.
If you know of areas that need immediate attention please contact for the attention of Chloe Mclaughlin.
We fully support residents who help maintain their estates and the Estates Service Team regularly collect bagged garden waste. if a group of residents have done some work in a communal area. You can ask for a free collection of garden waste by ringing the Estates Service Team on 01273 294769.
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20.08.24 |
EA5 |
Provide information to residents regarding the process for management/support of vulnerable disabled residents before/during/after maintenance works |
Emma Gilbert |
The approach will depend on the vulnerability/needs of residents and the extent of the work. Our approach will be to assign an officer to work with the household.
In some instances, due to the vulnerability of the household they may be assisted to move out of the property whilst work is undertaken, some people will need more notice before the works commence. Any additional work after maintenance will again depend on the needs of the household. |
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EA6 |
Residents requested a better approach in engagement with regards to insect infestations in LA properties/ also noted that communication on any actions taken had not been sufficient as residents were unaware of actions being taken. |
Grant Ritchie |
We undertake a significant amount of work on infestations. We regularly engage with residents from affected buildings on what treatment we plan and how long this will take. We are not able to discuss the details of treatments with tenants other than those whose homes we are treating. We are undertaking a review of our approach to bed bugs in order to improve the service. We will be happy to provide an update at the next area panel meeting. |
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16.08.24 |