Decision - Intelligent Commissioning Pilot - Domestic Violence
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Decision details
Intelligent Commissioning Pilot - Domestic Violence
Decision Maker: Cabinet (pre 2012)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To recommend outcomes and commissioning priorities for dealing with domestic violence, alcohol related harm and drug related deaths in the city .
Note: This Item is being deferred to 17th March Cabinet 2011 at the request of the Commissioner – Community Safety.
(1) That Cabinet notes the effective impact of using the Intelligent Commissioning Framework on the future commissioning of domestic violence services.
(2) That Cabinet approves the city wide strategic outcomes for commissioning of domestic violence services which are set out in appendix 1.
(3) That Cabinet notes that, following its approval, the outcomes are to be returned to the partnership groups and organisations which also have responsibility for overseeing commissioning and delivery of domestic violence services. A further report will be presented to Cabinet on the full commissioning plan including service level outcomes. That report will also provide more detail on learning from the use of the Intelligent Commissioning Pilots.
Reasons for the decision:
Approval for the recommendations is sought within the process of change as Brighton & Hove moves towards establishing an Intelligent Commissioning Framework for the City.
Alternative options considered:
Alternative options to the recommendations that are set out in this report have been carefully considered, informed by analysis of the needs assessments and service mapping. Those recommendations put forward are supported by a clear evidence base and rationale
Report author: Linda Beanlands
Publication date: 07/04/2011
Date of decision: 07/04/2011
Decided at meeting: 07/04/2011 - Cabinet (pre 2012)
Effective from: 15/04/2011
Accompanying Documents:
- Item 219 Intelligent Commissioning Pilot – Domestic Violence
PDF 81 KB View as HTML (1) 85 KB
- Item 219 Appendix 1
PDF 790 KB
- Item 219 Appendix 2
PDF 42 KB View as HTML (3) 27 KB
- ITEM 219 - Intelligent Commissioning Pilots appendix 3
PDF 39 KB View as HTML (4) 30 KB
- Item 219 appendix 4
PDF 61 KB View as HTML (5) 58 KB