Decision - Local Development Framework - Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version
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Local Development Framework - Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version
Decision Maker: Cabinet (pre 2012)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek approval to publish the city council’s Submission version of the Core Strategy (Reg 27).
This item had been deferred from the 18th December Cabinet to the 15th January 2009 Cabinet meeting.
Deferred to April 23rd meeting. 16 January: The item has been delayed until the September Cabinet meeting.
Note: The title of this item has been changed from ‘Local Development Framework – Core Strategy’ which first appeared in Edition 4 of the Forward Plan, to ‘Local Development Framework -Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version’ at the request of the Director.
Note: Item deferred to November Cabinet Meeting at the request of the Director
(1) That Cabinet notes the draft extract of the proceedings of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission meeting held on 20 October 2009.
(2) That Cabinet notes the nature of the representations and officer responses made to the Revised Core Strategy Preferred Options (July 2008) document and the Proposed Amendments Paper (June 2009) (to be set out in appendix 2 and in the Statement of Consultation in Members’ Rooms).
(3) That Cabinet endorses the Core Strategy and supporting documents and recommends that Council gives approval for submission to the Secretary of State, preceded by a 6 week publication stage, subject to any minor editorial changes agreed by the Cabinet Member for Environment in consultation with the Director of Environment.
(4) That Cabinet notes that the Core Strategy will be the subject of an Examination in Public in July 2010 followed by the Planning Inspector’s binding report and adoption in January 2011.
Reasons for the decision:
1. To ensure that Cabinet is aware of the extent and nature of comments received on the Core Strategy in 2008 and 2009 and the responses made.
2. To progress the Core Strategy towards adoption and thus ensure the council has an up to date strategic planning framework for the city to replace the current Local Plan. This will assist in bringing forward other local development documents and for the council to meet the Best Value Performance indicator BV200b. Progress towards adoption of the Core Strategy will also facilitate the implementation of other city-wide strategies.
3. To advise Cabinet of the status of the Core Strategy and the next steps it will follow towards adoption.
Alternative options considered:
1. The process of preparing a Core Strategy is to test alternative options for accommodating growth and development in the city to 2026. This testing includes consultation, a robust evidence base and a Sustainability Appraisal.
Report author: Liz Hobden
Publication date: 12/11/2009
Date of decision: 12/11/2009
Decided at meeting: 12/11/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012)
Effective from: 20/11/2009
Accompanying Documents:
- Item 112 Local Development Framework Brighton & Hove Core Strategy- Submission PDF 114 KB View as HTML (1) 92 KB
- Item 112 Appendix 1 PDF 94 KB View as HTML (2) 80 KB
- Item 112 Appendix 2 PDF 185 KB View as HTML (3) 204 KB
- Item 112 Appendix 3 PDF 49 KB View as HTML (4) 34 KB
- Item 112 Appendix 4 PDF 43 KB View as HTML (5) 27 KB
- Item 112 Appendix 5 PDF 47 KB View as HTML (6) 57 KB