Decision - High Cost Care
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Decision details
High Cost Care
Decision Maker: Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
It is recommended that the Cabinet Member agrees to a policy where costs of care are set at a level that secures a package of care or care home placement that meets the needs of the individual and also represents value for money
(1) That it be noted that the proposals in the report formalise and reinforce good social work practice for all care groups. That the costs of care are set at a level that secures a package of care or care home placement that meets the needs of the individual and also represents value for money.
(2) That it be noted that a Framework Agreement for people with a Learning Disability with complex needs has been agreed and is being actioned.
(3) That where there is a decision that an individual is seeking to be supported by public funds and that a home care package would not represent value for money, practitioners should discuss whether this individual could access third party support.
Report author: Jane MacDonald, Angie Emerson
Publication date: 13/06/2011
Date of decision: 13/06/2011
Decided at meeting: 13/06/2011 - Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting
Effective from: 21/06/2011
Accompanying Documents:
- Cabinet Member Meeting Report Template for High Cost Care
- Item 11 - High Cost care v3
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