Decision - Review of Members' Allowances

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Decision details

Review of Members' Allowances

Decision Maker: Governance Committee

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the Panel's recommendations following the summer 2011 review




(1)         That the Committee recommends to Council:


(a)         That the Special Responsibility Allowances for the Leaders’ positions be payable as outlined in paragraphs 3.1 – 3.8 and Appendix 1 to this report.


(b)         That the Special Responsibility Allowances for the Deputy Chairs of Planning and Licensing Committees be payable as outlined in paragraphs 3.9 – 3.15 and Appendix 2 to this report.


(c)         That the Dependants’ Carers’ Allowance be payable as outlined in paragraphs 3.16 – 3.32 and Appendices 3 and 4 (childcare), and 3.33 – 3.37 and Appendix 5 (dependant care).


(d)         That the 26 Special Responsibility Allowances set out at Appendix 6 to this report be approved as the full list of duties which constitutes Schedule 1 to the new Members’ Allowances Scheme.


(2)    That it be noted the Basic Allowance of £11,463 has been retained and that all other allowances listed in the Scheme, other than those detailed in 2.1 – 2.4 above remain unchanged.


(3)    That the Members’ Allowances Scheme 2011 set out at Appendix 7 be recommended to full Council for approval on 20th October 2011 with a proposal that the new scheme should take effect from 21st October 2011.

Report author: Angela Woodall

Publication date: 20/09/2011

Date of decision: 20/09/2011

Decided at meeting: 20/09/2011 - Governance Committee

Effective from: 28/09/2011

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