Decision - Statement of Licensing Policy Consultation Response
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Decision details
Statement of Licensing Policy Consultation Response
Decision Maker: Licensing Committee (Licensing Act 2003 Functions), Council
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The council, as a licensing authority must
carry out a consultation exercise prior to any review of its
Licensing Policy. Consultation was undertaken on a proposal to
increase the cumulative impact area and special stress areas and to
introduce a "matrix" approach to licensing decision
47.1 Councillor Deane introduced the report, which outlined the findings of a consultation exercise in relation to a review of the Council’s Licensing Policy and the proposed increase of the Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) and Special Stress Areas (SSA). The report also detailed the proposed introduction of a matrix approach to licensing decision making. Councillor Deane referred to a recent article in the Observer newspaper which had highlighted the benefits of a late night ‘booze bus’ to ease the problems faced by local communities and town centres in regard to late night drinking. She noted that the Licensing Committee had fully supported the proposals, as well as the police and health partners and recommended the changes to the Council.
47.2 Councillor Cobb stated that she supported the recommendations although the matter was a free vote for the Conservative Group.
47.3 Councillor Lepper stated that she had given the matter a great deal of thought since the Licensing Committee meeting and still had some reservations in regard to the consultation process and the fact that even the extended CIA and SSA’s would not prevent further licensing applications from being made and/or successful. She was concerned that this fact was not fully appreciated by the public and hoped that thought would be given to how this message could be given.
47.4 Councillor Simson stated that she had also expressed her concerns over the matter and the possibility of legal challenge to the CIA and suggested that there was a need to target problem premises given the level of resources available. She was in favour of the matrix approach and noted that only this week the Licensing Panel had received an appeal from a premises in the heart of the CIA.
47.5 Councillor Sykes stated that the police had to deal with late night disturbances and he supported the extended CIA and noted that Licensing Panels had been able to place restrictions on various applications to help with controlling the availability of alcohol and late night drinking. He hoped that all Members would support the recommendations.
47.6 The Mayor congratulated Councillor Sykes on his maiden speech.
47.7 Councillor Wealls noted that the proposed extension could instigate an interesting debate for the central Hove Wards and noted that there had only been a few responses to the consultation from those residents. However, he fully supported the recommendations and believed they would be welcomed by residents of Brunswick & Adelaide.
47.8 Councillor West stated that it had been a long journey and one which had had a number of misgivings about the establishment of a CIA and SSA’s and whether they would work. However, they had proved to be effective and enabled the Licensing Panels to exert some control over the various applications that were made by applying certain restrictions. He believed the proposed extension of the CIA was the right one and that this would have a positive effect for the city.
47.9 Councillor G. Theobald stated that he fully supported the recommendations and believed that in having gone out to consultation and had such support for the proposals that it was incumbent on the council to implement them. He noted that Chief Inspector Nelson was present at the meeting and that the Police were in favour of the proposals.
47.10 Councillor Deane thanked everyone for their comments and noted that the deputation earlier in the meeting had shown the support for the proposals and therefore commended the report to the council. She also asked for a recorded vote to be taken.
47.11 The Mayor noted that a recorded vote had been requested and that sufficient Members had indicated their support for one to be held and asked the Head of Democratic Services to conduct the vote.
Against |
Abstain |
Cllr |
Barnett |
x |
Bennett |
Absent |
Bowden |
ü |
Brown |
ü |
Buckley |
ü |
Carden |
ü |
Cobb |
ü |
Davey |
ü |
Deane |
ü |
Duncan |
ü |
Farrow |
ü |
Fitch |
ü |
Follett |
ü |
Gilbey |
ü |
Hamilton |
ü |
Hawtree |
ü |
Hyde |
x |
Janio |
ü |
Jarrett |
ü |
Jones |
ü |
Kennedy |
Absent |
A. Kitcat |
ü |
J. Kitcat |
ü |
Lepper |
ü |
Littman |
ü |
MacCafferty |
ü |
Marsh |
ü |
Meadows |
ü |
Mears |
x |
Mitchell |
ü |
Morgan |
ü |
A. Norman |
ü |
K. Norman |
ü |
Peltzer Dunn |
ü |
Phillips |
ü |
Pidgeon |
ü |
Pissaridou |
ü |
Powell |
ü |
Randall |
ü |
Robins |
ü |
Rufus |
ü |
Shanks |
ü |
Simson |
x |
Smith |
ü |
Summers |
ü |
Sykes |
ü |
C. Theobald |
ü |
G. Theobald |
ü |
Turton |
ü |
Wakefield |
ü |
Wealls |
ü |
Wells |
Absent |
West |
ü |
Total |
46 |
1 |
3 |
47.12 The Mayor confirmed that the vote was in favour of the recommendations.
(1) That the expansion of the Cumulative Impact Area and the Special Stress Area as shown on the map in appendix 3 to the report be approved; and
(2) That the implementation of a matrix approach to licensing decisions as shown in appendix 1 to the report be approved.
Report author: Jean Cranford
Publication date: 28/08/2012
Date of decision: 15/12/2011
Decided at meeting: 15/12/2011 - Council
Accompanying Documents:
- Item 47. Extract from Licensing - Statement of Licensing Policy PDF 57 KB View as HTML (1) 62 KB
- Committee Report for Statement of Licensing Policy Consultation Response PDF 81 KB View as HTML (2) 80 KB
- Committee Report for Statement of Licensing Policy Consultation Response enc. 1 and 2 PDF 2 MB View as HTML (3) 6 MB
- Committee Report for Statement of Licensing Policy Consultation Response enc. 3 PDF 2 MB
- Item 47. 2011 SOLP RSJC011211 final PDF 7 MB View as HTML (5) 15 MB
- Item 47. LegalAdvice Addendum 2 PDF 70 KB View as HTML (6) 34 KB