Decision - Self Managed Learning College (SMLC)
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Decision details
Self Managed Learning College (SMLC)
Decision Maker: Children & Young People Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
RESOLVED – (1) That the committee notes the changes in the capacity of local authorities to recoup the cost from the DfE of children who are in receipt of elective home education attending a college of further education or other “alternative provider”, which means that the previous criteria under which the local authority had agreed to fund attendance of some pupils in receipt of home education at the SMLC is now defunct;
(2) The committee notes that continued funding was agreed by the former Interim Director of Children’s Services (DCS) until the end of this academic term to allow time for alternative arrangements to be made for those affected children who were attending the SMLC, and for consultation on the way forward;
(3) The committee notes the consultation and the issues raised by the affected parents and pupils, and further notes the ongoing offer of support and advice which has been made to any affected pupils, including the possibility of attendance at a maintained school;
(4) The committee notes that the education of those pupils whose parents chose to educate them otherwise than in school continues to be the responsibility of their parent according to the law;
(5) The committee notes that if it meets the requirements of the DfE it is possible for colleges, including the SMLC, to reclaim from the DfE the fees otherwise charged to the parents of children in receipt of elective home education; and
(6) A decision is made that from December 31st 2013 no further direct funding will be offered to provide for children who are in receipt of education otherwise than at school to attend a fee paying college, including those children receiving elective home education currently attending SMLC.
Report author: Ellen Mulvihill
Publication date: 18/11/2013
Date of decision: 18/11/2013
Decided at meeting: 18/11/2013 - Children & Young People Committee
Accompanying Documents:
- Self Managed Learning College (SMLC)
PDF 98 KB View as HTML (1) 137 KB
- Appendix1
- letter 1 to parents 22 10 13 - year 10 and 11
PDF 38 KB View as HTML (3) 40 KB
- letter 2 to parents 22 10 13
PDF 38 KB View as HTML (4) 38 KB
- Proposed Cionservative Group Amendment
PDF 42 KB View as HTML (5) 26 KB