Decision - Bakers Bottom - Area U resident parking scheme extension

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Decision details

Bakers Bottom - Area U resident parking scheme extension

Decision Maker: Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The purpose of this report is to address comments and objections to a draft traffic regulation order. The traffic orders outline a proposed extension of the Area U resident parking scheme into the Bakers Bottom area.


1)        That, having taken account of all duly made representations and objections, the Committee approves as advertised the following orders;


(a)          Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment Order 2008 No.* 201* (Area U extension)


(b)          Brighton & Hove Outer Areas (Waiting, Loading and Parking) and Cycle Lanes Consolidation Order 2013 Amendment No.* 201*


(c)          Brighton & Hove (Various Roads) (Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verges and Footways) Order 2013 Amendment Order No.* 201*


2)        That any amendments included in the report and subsequent requests deemed appropriate by officers are added to the proposed scheme during implementation and advertised as an amendment Traffic Regulation Order.


Report author: Charles Field

Publication date: 09/10/2014

Date of decision: 07/10/2014

Decided at meeting: 07/10/2014 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee

Accompanying Documents:


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