Decision - Preston Park Chalet Public Toilets Condition Survey
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Preston Park Chalet Public Toilets Condition Survey
Decision Maker: Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
This report is in response to the debate at Full Council on 17 July 2014 following submission of a petition organised by Francis Incorvaja, leaseholder of the Rotunda Café in Preston Park regarding the public toilets attached to the café. A copy of the petition is included in the reports pack for this meeting.
The resolution agreed at Council was that officers were to bring a report, with fully-costed options for improvements to the facilities at Preston Park Rotunda and a timetable for implementation.
A survey of the site has been undertaken as part of a wider survey of all public toilets which has been commissioned in response to the Toilet Scrutiny Report. This report summarises the findings of the survey of the Preston Park toilets and makes recommendations regarding next steps.
1) That Committee notes the findings of the survey undertaken of the Preston Park Rotunda Toilets which has identified £11,200 of repairs and maintenance which should be carried out by 2016/17. More significant investment of up to £80,500 for refurbishment which should be carried out by 2018/19.
2) That Committee notes the findings of the survey undertaken of the Preston Park Chalet Toilets which has identified £8,200 of repairs and maintenance which should be carried out by 2017/18 and more significant investment of £69,000 for refurbishment which should be carried out by 2022/23.
3) That Committee agrees the short term repairs and maintenance up to a value of £11,200 are carried out at the Preston Park Rotunda Toilets in 2014/15 and £8,200 at Preston Park Chalet Toilets in 2015/16 funded through the Preston Park pay and display surplus fund. This time-scale is sooner than that recommended by the surveys.
4) That Committee notes there is no allocated capital budget for refurbishment works to public toilets. Any works would need to be considered as part of the capital works program as part of the annual budget setting process or through other funds such as the Preston Park ring fenced pay and display scheme.
5) That Committee agrees to defer a decision on the full refurbishment of both sites until the surveys of all sites have been analysed and recommendations developed taking a strategic approach to public toilet provision across the city with consideration given to the provision within the wider context of Asset Management across operational council owned buildings.
6) Committee agrees to a report to be produced for Policy & Resources Committee in early 2015 which updates members on the work done since the Toilet Scrutiny including the survey results of all sites. This report will form the basis for discussion and recommendations on future toilet provision in the city.
Report author: Jan Jonker
Publication date: 09/10/2014
Date of decision: 07/10/2014
Decided at meeting: 07/10/2014 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee
Accompanying Documents: