Decision - Changes to Textile Collections from Bring Sites Securing Revenue for Brighton & Hove City Council and Local Charities
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Decision details
Changes to Textile Collections from Bring Sites Securing Revenue for Brighton & Hove City Council and Local Charities
Decision Maker: Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
This report will set out proposals to bring
collection of textiles under BHCC control, so that BHCC can retain
the revenue and ring fence a proportion for local charities.
Currently national charities place textile banks on BHCC land, most
with out BHCC agreement, and none of the revenue is returned to
That the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee:
1) authorises the procurement of the contract for the installation, maintenance and servicing of textile banks in Brighton & Hove, following the timeline and evaluation criteria set out in the report with a contract term of 3 years from November 2015 with the option of a two year extension;
2) Authorises the re-investment of 60% of the net income from the contract in service improvements such as maintenance of on-street recycling bins and investment in wheelie bins for recycling;
3) Authorises the ring-fencing of 40% of the net income from the contract to the incentive fund formally agreed by the Committee in March 2014;
4) agrees to the review of the scheme after six months to assess income generated and its allocation within the service and to the incentive fund; and
5) authorises all necessary measures to remove the unregulated textile banks from council-owned land so that they can be replaced by those authorised under the contract;
6) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing:
· to award the contract for 3 years following the recommendations of the evaluation panel and the results of the tendering process; and
· to extend the contract for 2 years subject to satisfactory performance of the provider in respect of the initial 3 year period.
7) Notes that the contract will be awarded as soon as practicable allowing for the procurement process.
Report author: Jan Jonker
Publication date: 08/07/2015
Date of decision: 07/07/2015
Decided at meeting: 07/07/2015 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee
Accompanying Documents: