Decision - Special Educational Needs and Learning Disability (SEND-LD) Strategy - Next Stage Proposals

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Decision details

Special Educational Needs and Learning Disability (SEND-LD) Strategy - Next Stage Proposals

Decision Maker: Joint Children, Young People & Skills and Health & Wellbeing Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This paper is for a joint meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Children, Young People and Skills Committee. The report spans both children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and adults with Learning Disabilities (LD).




In relation to Educational Provision


The Children Young People & Skills Committee (Councillors and voting Co-optees voted) agreed:


That on the basis:

(i) That there will be no overall reduction in the number of school places available to pupils in the city requiring specialist provision, and


(ii) the Board noting that before any final decisions can be taken regarding the proposed reorganisation of specialist provision it will be necessary to follow the statutory processes set out in the school organisation legislation, in particular the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and associated Regulations, these processes requiring periods of formal consultation with all interested parties, (which will include parents, governors and staff at the respective schools), and the publication of statutory notices.


It is agreed:

1.    That approval be given to draw up detailed proposals in relation to each element of the restructuring of current specialist education provision described below, so as to offer integrated education, extended day activities, respite care and short breaks and integrated health and care teams within each new provision. The proposals being as follows:


(a) That the existing six special schools (Patcham House, Homewood

College, Hillside Special School, Downs Park Special School, Downs

View Special School and the Cedar Centre School) and two Pupil

Referral Units (Brighton & Hove Pupil Referral Unit and the Connected

Hub) be re-organised to form three extended and integrated specialist

provisions with clear vocational pathways and strong support for

preparation for adulthood.


(b) That two specialist provisions be created for children with learning

difficulties as set out below:

(i) That Hillside Special School and Downs Park Special School

amalgamate to form one Integrated Provision West for the full range of cognition and learning needs. The provision will cater for pupils aged 5 - 16 years i.e. Key Stages 1 – 4, and will operate from both of the current school sites but under one leadership team and governing body.

(ii) That Downs View Special School expand to create Integrated Provision East for the full range of cognition and learning needs. The provision will cater for pupils aged 5 - 19 years, i.e.Key Stages 1 – 5, and will be based on the current site ofDowns View School which will be expanded as necessary.


(c) That Cedar Centre School, Patcham House School and Homewood College be re-organised as the city’s school provision for children with

social, emotional and mental health needs to form the Integrated

Specialist Provision Central (SEMH)catering for pupils aged from 5-

16 years ie from Key Stages 1 – 4. The provision will be based on the

current Cedar Centre School site.


(d) That further provision for pupils with complex needs/moderate learning difficulties be made at the Integrated Special Provisions East and West (Cognition and Learning) so that no capacity is lost for these needs following the re-designation of Integrated Specialist Provision Central to cater for SEMH.


(e) That B&H Pupil Referral Unit (currently situated at Lynchet Close and Dyke Road) and The Connected Hub (situated at Tilbury House)

merge to form a single B&H Integrated Provision Central Pupil Referral Unit for pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. The Unit will cater for pupils aged 11 – 16 years i.e. Key stages3 and 4 and will be based on the Lynchet Close and Tilbury Housesites.


(f) That children who are currently attending full time at the primary Pupil Referral Unit (based at Lynchet Close) with statements of special

educational needs or EHC Plans naming this provision, move onto the

roll of the Integrated Provision Central (SEMH). Any part-time PRU places will convert to extensive additionally funded support in mainstream school.


2.        That for each integrated specialist provision, a lead partner mainstream

secondary and mainstream primary school be identified to champion the needs of young people with SEND/SEMH and facilitate shared and inclusive opportunities across mainstream and specialist provision.


In relation to Other Provision for Young People


The Children Young People & Skills Committee (Councillors only voted) agreed:


3.         That the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Children’s Services shall jointly commission support from health providers to form an integrated team within each integrated special provision as required.


4.         That it is noted that the current Jeanne Saunders nursery is sited in

unsuitable premises at Penny Gobby House which does not provide disabled access for children with disabilities, which has necessitated the creation of the satellite site at Easthill Park for six of the children with the greatest mobility needs.


5.         That an inclusive integrated nursery with specialist health and care facilities on a mainstream nursery site shall replace the current part-time specialist nursery provision at the Jeanne Saunders/Easthill Park nursery.


Recommendations relating to merged SEND/LD Strategy across the

Children’s Services and Adult Social Care


The Children Young People & Skills Committee (Councillors only voted) agreed:


6. That the Adult and Children’s directorates of the city council shall support the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to commission an all-age ‘Wellbeing’ Service that will respond to the emotional and mental health needs of parents, children and families rather than the individuals within families.


7. That approval be given to identify, consider, and review social work structures and functions supporting children and adults with learning disabilities that are likely to be delivered more efficiently and create a better pathway for service users by one combined Children’s Service and Adult Social Care response rather than via two Directorates.


8.That specifically the following options be reviewed relating to a single

    approach to adult and children’s provision:

(i) The adoption of the same Resource Allocation System (RAS) in

Children’s Services as well as in Adult Social Care for an equitable and

fair allocation of resources and direct payments.

(ii) The combining the Autism strategies and plans across Children’s and Adult Services to have one approach for autism across the age range.

(iii) Consolidating as far as possible transport arrangements across the full age range.

(iv) Consolidating the services relating to adults and young people involving deprivation of liberty

(v) A single service for emotional and mental health support.


9. That any service redesign should:

(i) facilitate the transition from Children’s to Adult Services (0 - 25 years) by better preparation for adulthood and pathways to supported internships, apprenticeships and longer term employment.

(ii) encourage inclusive practice through universal and community services such that people with SEND and LD do not have to rely on scarce ‘specialist’ provision and can live and thrive within the wider community.

(iii) aim to prevent the need for high cost placements where children and adults have very complex needs and challenging behaviour by improving local services including mental health and behavioural support services.


10. That options for re-providing services at better value for money and to a     good standard in the community and voluntary sector or the private sector be identified and explored.


11. That upon noting the recommendations of the Policy and Resources

Committee of 4 November 2015 in respect of a review of the in house

learning disability accommodation services, there shall be consideration given to whether joint work between the Housing Department and Learning Disability Services in both Children’s and Adults’ Services should take place to review the need for supported living arrangements within the city and develop proposals for supported living arrangements accordingly.


Relating to the Children’s Services Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Strategy


The Health and Wellbeing Board agreed:


12. That the Board notes the recommendations to be considered by the Children, Young People and Skills Committee (the Committee) in relation to specialist educational provision for children.


13. That an inclusive integrated nursery with specialist health and care facilities on a mainstream nursery site shall replace the current part-time specialist nursery provision at the Jeanne Saunders/Easthill Park nursery.


14. That the Board supports the joint commissioning by the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Children’s Services of support from health providers to form an integrated team within each integrated special provision as required.


Relating to Merged SEND/LD Strategy across the Children’s Services and Adult Social Care Directorates


The Health and Wellbeing Board agreed:


15. That the Board supports the proposal by the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to commission an all-age ‘Wellbeing’ Service that will respond to the emotional and mental health needs of parents, children and families rather than the individuals within families.


16. That approval be given to identify, consider, and review social work structures and functions supporting children and adults with learning disabilities that are likely to be delivered more efficiently and create a better pathway for service users by one combined Children’s Service and Adult Social Care response rather than via two Directorates


17. That specifically the following options be reviewed relating to a single

approach to adult and children’s provision:

(i) The adoption of the Resource Allocation System (RAS) in Children’s

Services that is currently established in Adult Social Care for an equitable and fair allocation of resources and direct payments.

(ii) The combining the Autism strategies and plans across Children’s and Adult Services to have one approach for autism across the age range.

(iii) Consolidating as far as possible transport arrangements across the full age range.

(iv) Consolidating the services relating to adults and young people involving deprivation of liberty.

(v) A single service for emotional and mental health support.


18. That any service redesign should:

(i) facilitate the transition from Children’s to Adult Services (0 - 25 years) by better preparation for adulthood and pathways to supported internships, apprenticeships and longer term employment.

(ii) encourage inclusive practice through universal and community services such that people with SEND and LD do not have to rely on scarce ‘specialist’ provision and can live and thrive within the wider community.

(iii) aim to prevent the need for high cost placements where children and adults have very complex needs and challenging behaviour by improving local services including mental health and behavioural support services.


19. That options for re-providing services at better value for money and to a good standard in the community and voluntary sector or the private sector be identified and explored.


20. That upon noting the recommendations of the Policy and Resources

Committee of 4 November 2015 in respect of a review of the in house

learning disability accommodation services, there shall be joint work between the Housing Department and Learning Disability Services in both Children’s and Adults’ Services to review the need for supported living arrangements within the city and develop proposals for supported living arrangements accordingly.

Report author: Regan Delf, Mark Hourston

Publication date: 10/11/2015

Date of decision: 10/11/2015

Decided at meeting: 10/11/2015 - Joint Children, Young People & Skills and Health & Wellbeing Board

Effective from: 18/11/2015

Accompanying Documents:


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