Decision - Seniors Housing scheme review

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Decision details

Seniors Housing scheme review

Decision Maker: Housing & New Homes Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report brings to committee the results of tenant consultation on the future of Stonehurst Court and officer recommendations.


1)   That the conclusion of the scheme review, summarised in this report be agreed, and after due consideration of the results of the consultation with the current residents, it is agreed that Stonehurst Court should be decommissioned for use as seniors accommodation.


2)  That it is noted that the 6 flats which are part of the street frontage will not form a part of any redevelopment due to the difficulties relating to proximity to neighbouring owner occupied properties; and therefore it is agreed that that priority for any vacancies in these 6 properties be given to any tenants who are required to be decanted from the remainder of the site and who would suffer particular detriment (health or social) in moving away. These flats would not be retained as seniors housing.


3)  It is agreed that in the event of the scheme closing, the remaining available accommodation, namely the studio flats in the centre of the site, be made available as temporary accommodation for statutory homeless people to whom the council owes a duty, subject to a property by property business case and risk assessment.


4)   That the update on the range of potential medium term future options for the site in paragraph 3.6 be noted.  A report on options for future use of the site will be brought to a future Housing & New Homes Committee in the event of the scheme closing.


Report author: Simon Pickles

Publication date: 11/11/2015

Date of decision: 11/11/2015

Decided at meeting: 11/11/2015 - Housing & New Homes Committee

Effective from: 19/11/2015

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