Decision - Hanover & Elm Grove / Craven Vale resident parking scheme consultations

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Decision details

Hanover & Elm Grove / Craven Vale resident parking scheme consultations

Decision Maker: Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Reports results of consultations in these areas.


That the Committee approves:


(a)          That a new resident parking scheme (Monday to Sunday 9am-8pm) be considered within the area South of Elm Grove (including the southern section of Elm Grove) and for those streets in the North West section (Appendix G) and that this proposal be progressed to the final design with the Traffic Order advertised to allow further comment


(b)          That a new resident parking scheme (Monday to Sunday 9am-8pm) be considered within the Craven Vale area (Appendix G) and that this proposal be progressed to the final design with the Traffic Order advertised to allow further comment.


(c)          That a new resident parking scheme (Monday to Friday 11am-12 Noon & 6pm-7pm) be considered within the remainder of the roads (Appendix G) and that this proposal be progressed to the final design with the Traffic Order advertised to allow further comment subject to e), f) and g) as set out below


(d)          That the proposed shared parking on Freshfield Road be amended to resident permit only to give residents in the Pankhurst area more opportunities to park; with further consideration given to accommodating some parking in Firle, Glynde and Clayton roads respectively and a report brought back to the next committee.


(e)          That officers arrange a meeting with representatives of the residents associations in the Pankhurst area and the ‘Top Triangle’ area to discuss any refinements to the scheme available with the Elm Grove Residents Action Group ahead of the traffic order being advertised with outcome reported back to the next ETS Committee.


(f)           That the Council’s Road Safety Team investigates options to deter potential speeding along Pankhurst Avenue in response to concerns raised by residents and consider concerns raised by residents about speeding in Firle, Glynde and Clayton Roads, should the proposed double yellow lines be installed and report back to the next ETS Committee.


(g)          That a trial scheme should be piloted allowing businesses to buy a number of visitor permits, in order to help offset potential adverse impacts of a CPZ


(h)         That an order should be placed for any required pay and display equipment to ensure implementation of the new proposed parking scheme (if agreed at a further committee meeting) is undertaken as programmed. 

Report author: Charles Field

Publication date: 15/03/2017

Date of decision: 14/03/2017

Decided at meeting: 14/03/2017 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee

Accompanying Documents:


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