Decision - Using Empty Council Buildings for Rough Sleepers
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Decision details
Using Empty Council Buildings for Rough Sleepers
Decision Maker: Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
1) That the petition be noted.
2) That the provision of night shelter facilities is considered as part of the wider rough sleeper strategy and a cross party group of councillors is formed investigate continuous rough sleeper provision accommodation for the winter period.
3) That the Membership of the cross-party working group calls for evidence from volunteers, homeless groups and agencies, to be agreed with the Executive Director for Health & Adult Social Care in consultation with the relevant Group Spokespersons.
4) That the Committee notes that a property review, assessment and business case will need to be undertaken to assess any specific building/site property requirements, risks and financial implications of any buildings identified to be used for crisis accommodation.
Report author: Larissa Reed
Publication date: 15/05/2017
Date of decision: 04/05/2017
Decided at meeting: 04/05/2017 - Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Accompanying Documents: