Decision - Gigabit City - Ultrafast Broadband
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Decision details
Gigabit City - Ultrafast Broadband
Decision Maker: Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Seeking authority to join West Sussex County
Council procurement Framework and to develop a Business Case for
the provision of ultrafast broadband infrastructure in the
1) That the Committee agrees that the City Council joins the West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Digital Infrastructure procurement framework;
2) That the Committee notes that should it be considered desirable pursue the delivery of an ultrafast broadband digital infrastructure, and to utilise the framework, a full business case incorporating options for a preferred model would be brought to this committee for approval.
Report author: Alison Young
Publication date: 15/05/2017
Date of decision: 04/05/2017
Decided at meeting: 04/05/2017 - Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Accompanying Documents: