Decision - Youth Justice Board Validation of the Youth Offending Team (YOT)
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Decision details
Youth Justice Board Validation of the Youth Offending Team (YOT)
Decision Maker: Children & Young People's Trust Board
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
1. That the results of the Youth Justice Board Validation Report (Appendix 1 to the report) be noted.
Reasons for the decision:
The YOT strives to ensure that strategies and interventions are developed which address the issue of youth crime in Brighton and Hove. These strategies include effective multi-agency working, innovative projects such as the Employment Project and various art events. The YOT’s working relationships with the enforcement agencies such as the Police, Probation and Courts are excellent and ensure that young people who offend receive the most effective service.
Alternative options considered:
The recommendation to the Board is that it notes the results of the Youth Justice Board’s validation report. There are no alternative options.
Report author: Nigel Andain
Publication date: 21/01/2009
Date of decision: 19/01/2009
Decided at meeting: 19/01/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board
Accompanying Documents: