Decision - Effectiveness of Safeguarding - Stock Take- [Exempt Category 1]
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Effectiveness of Safeguarding - Stock Take- [Exempt Category 1]
Decision Maker: Children & Young People's Trust Board
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
49.1 The Board considered a further report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Effectiveness of Safeguarding Practice, which, following the events in the London Borough of Haringey (the baby P. case), informed members about the requirement for all Local Authorities and NHS organisations to take stock of the effectiveness of safeguarding practice in their areas (for copy see minute book).
49.2 The Director of Children’s Services explained that the Secretary of State requested that all Local Authorities ensured the safeguarding of their children. She reiterated the importance of partnership work and the Board’s individual organisations in ensuring that their services were as secure and safe to children as they could be.
49.3 The Director of Children’s Services recorded her recognition to and appreciation for all officers in the CYPT, in particular the services’ work force and front-line workers, in supporting the safeguarding of children. She also highlighted the importance of recruiting and retaining fully qualified Social Workers to strengthen this process.
49.4 The Director also indicated that this was the start of the process and that a more interactive discussion could be taken at the next meeting of the Board in March 2009.
49.5 The Assistant Director, Quality and Performance, made a presentation to the Board, giving further details about the processes required to ensuring the effective safeguarding of children (see appendix 1 to the minutes for a copy of the presentation).
49.5 The Board welcomed the report. Members were unanimous in stressing the need for the Board to be involved, the need for all to feel concerned and not complacent, and welcomed the process as an opportunity to explore more.
49.6 David Standing, representative of the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum, stated that members should know in more detail about how the system worked and requested that more details be brought to the next meeting.
49.7 Members requested that a copy of the powerpoint presentation was circulated to all.
49.8 RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the summary and baseline assessment of safeguarding practice in Brighton and Hove be noted.
(2) That the proposals for further assessment and action set out in paragraph 3.4. be agreed.
(3) That the proposal to update the recruitment and retention strategy set out in paragraph 3.6. be noted.
(4) That a further report on the outcomes of the assessment and action programme, including any additional requirements, which may emerge from the DCSF, Ofsted or the Healthcare Commission, be brought to a future meeting.
(5) That a seminar be arranged to hold further discussions about the effectiveness of safeguarding practice in Brighton & Hove.
Report author: Steve Barton
Publication date: 21/01/2009
Date of decision: 19/01/2009
Decided at meeting: 19/01/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board