Decision - Local Health and Social Care Integration
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Decision details
Local Health and Social Care Integration
Decision Maker: Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
1) That the establishment of a shadow operational year commencing on 1st April 2018 during which officers from BHCC and the CCG will prepare for full integration in April 2019 be agreed;
2) That the formation of a joint officer board (BHCC and CCG) that will be tasked with planning the smooth introduction of the new integrated services be noted;
3) That the initial scope of the activities to be included from the outset of the shadow year, through which period the confirmed longer term scope will be identified and brought back for formal agreement (see para 3.10), be noted;
4) That an interim governance arrangement for 18/19 that gives authority for HWB to have oversight of the integrated budget as set out in appendix 1, be agreed;
5) That the design principles set out in para 3.18 which will guide the development of the partnership be agreed;
6) That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chairs of the HWB, to take all steps necessary or incidental to progressing the project;
7) That it be noted the CCG Governing Body will delegate to the Chief Accountable Officer authority to take all steps necessary or incidental to progressing the project; and
8) That it be noted the proposals listed above do not change existing delegated powers or the constitution of either party.
Report author: Richard Fullagar
Publication date: 16/10/2017
Date of decision: 12/10/2017
Decided at meeting: 12/10/2017 - Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Accompanying Documents: