Decision - Valley Gardens Phase 3 (Royal Pavilion to Seafront) Results of public consultation and approval of Final Preliminary Design
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Decision details
Valley Gardens Phase 3 (Royal Pavilion to Seafront) Results of public consultation and approval of Final Preliminary Design
Decision Maker: Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Valley Gardens Phase 3 - preliminary design of
highway and public realm remodelling from Edward Street Junction -
Royal Pavilion - Old Steine to the Seafront including the A23/A259
Junction ('Aquarium Roundabout').
Approve continued investment.
Approve preferred option to progress to detailed design.
1) That the Committee notes the results of the public consultation and stakeholder engagement on the preferred design option for the Valley Gardens Phase 3 project, as set out in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of this report.
2) That the Committee approves the Final Preliminary Design for the Valley Gardens Phase 3 project, as attached in Appendix 3 of this report, and agrees that it should be progressed to the detailed design stage which will include further public consultation and stakeholder engagement.
3) That the Committee agrees that officers progress design work for the proposed improvements to the A259/Duke’s Mound/Madeira Drive junctions, in liaison with the council’s Waterfront project team.
4) That the Committee authorises officers to procure professional services/contract(s) for the detailed design and construction stages of the Valley Gardens Phase 3 project, and notes that this authorisation will enable officers to procure and award either a design and build contract or separate contracts for the design stage and the construction stage, and notes that an update on these procurements will be provided to a future committee meeting.
5) That the Committee approves the revised design of the Marlborough Place - Edward Street junction, as shown in Appendix 3 of this report, which will supersede the design of the southernmost section of the Valley Gardens Phases 1&2 project agreed by this Committee in December 2017, and agrees that the design can be progressed to the detailed design stage and delivered as part of the current construction programme for Valley Gardens Phases 1&2.
6) That the above recommendations are agreed subject to obtaining independent legal advice to the satisfaction of officers, after consultation with the Chair and Opposition Spokespersons.
Report author: Oliver Spratley
Publication date: 08/02/2019
Date of decision: 07/02/2019
Decided at meeting: 07/02/2019 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee
Accompanying Documents:
- Valley Gardens Phase 3 (Royal Pavilion to Seafront) Results of public consultation and approval of Final Preliminary Design
PDF 279 KB View as HTML (1) 44 KB
- Valley Gardens Phase 3 (Royal Pavilion to Seafront) Results of public consultation and approval of Final Preliminary Design APX. n 1
PDF 1002 KB View as HTML (2) 1 MB
- Valley Gardens Phase 3 (Royal Pavilion to Seafront) Results of public consultation and approval of Final Preliminary Design APX. n 2
PDF 222 KB View as HTML (3) 18 KB
- Valley Gardens Phase 3 (Royal Pavilion to Seafront) Results of public consultation and approval of Final Preliminary Design APX. n 3
- Valley Gardens Phase 3 (Royal Pavilion to Seafront) Results of public consultation and approval of Final Preliminary Design APX. n 4
PDF 636 KB
- Valley Gardens Phase 3 (Royal Pavilion to Seafront) Results of public consultation and approval of Final Preliminary Design APX. n 5
PDF 632 KB
- VG Extract 27.11.18
PDF 151 KB View as HTML (7) 39 KB
- Appendix 1 - VG3 Report v3 FINAL
PDF 115 KB View as HTML (8) 28 KB
- Item 66 VG ConGrp
PDF 187 KB View as HTML (9) 26 KB