Decision - Housing Supply Update report - 2019-2023
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Housing Supply Update report - 2019-2023
Decision Maker: Housing Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Update on delivery of an accelerated programme
to buy & build 800 new council homes maximising the use of HRA
borrowing, RTB receipts and other funding routes. Also, development
(700) other new homes that are as affordable as possible utilising
predominantly brownfield sites. Report to include decision to
increase staff capacity to support enhanced plan for delivery of
new housing supply.
1) That the Housing Committee note the contents of this report.
2) That the Housing Committee notes that estimates for new revenue spend on housing supply for 2020/21 will be included in the HRA Revenue and Capital Budget Report for approval in February 2020.
3) That Housing Committee recommend to Policy & Resources (P&R) Committee that for 2019/20, any new revenue costs (estimated at £0.100m) arising from the increased support for delivery of housing supply, should be met from HRA general reserves (current balance £6.980m).
Report author: Ododo Dafe
Publication date: 18/09/2019
Date of decision: 18/09/2019
Decided at meeting: 18/09/2019 - Housing Committee
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