Decision - Interim Covid-19 Response Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan.

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Decision details

Interim Covid-19 Response Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan.

Decision Maker: Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That the committee:


1)             Agree the findings of the Interim Covid-19 Response Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (included as Appendix 1 to this report) as an independent analysis of options which provides a strategic overview for delivering further walking and cycling measures during the Covid-19 recovery period;


2)             Agree that the recommendations at paragraphs 8.1 to 8.26 of Appendix 2 be amended and that further paragraphs 8.27- 8.29 be added to this list as follows:


8.2.  To monitor the impact of the temporary cycle lanes on Old Shoreham Road and gather evidence for a future decision on keeping or removing the cycle lanes. Commit to extend the temporary cycle lane to the West Sussex boundary in anticipation of West Sussex bringing forward proposals to link up.The future decision on keeping or removing these cycle lanes will be brought to the September ETS Committee.


8.18. Commit to implementing a programme for School Streets in the city, to support safe reopening of all primary and nursery schools, subject to feasibility in highway terms.


8.26. To note the proposals for increased cycle parking and BikeShare hubs.To support increased cycling, especially commuting, urgently make available temporary cycle parking by deploying and securing railings and gates (as often provided by event organisers).


8.27  To develop a pilot Local Traffic Neighbourhood as requested in the Hanover Action Deputation.


8.28.  To implement an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order to allow full or partial closure of Trafalgar Street following engagement with local businesses.

8.29.  Establish an informal cross-party member liaison group to give oversight of the emergency funding bids and implementation of temporary highway and transport measures. This will also aid wider partner engagement.


3)        Agree the recommendations contained in Section 8 (8.1 –8.29) of the updated Urgent Response Transport Action Plan (included as Appendix 2 to this report); as the delivery plan for measures identified in the Interim Covid-19 Response Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan; and to give delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture to take all steps necessary to deliver these recommendations.

4)        Note that the schemes included in the recommendations contained in Section  (8.1 – 8.29) of the updated Urgent Response Transport Action Plan (included as Appendix 2 to this report) are all subject to securing appropriate levels of external funding to support delivery, principally the government’s Emergency Active Travel Fund.


5)        Agree that officers will bring a report which reviews the progress of the Urgent Response Transport Action Plan to the September meeting of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee.


6)       Agree that the proposed approach to significantly increasing provision of cycle parking within the city will be included as part of the main Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan process, as set out in paragraph 3.8 of this report.

Report author: Laura Wells

Publication date: 24/06/2020

Date of decision: 23/06/2020

Decided at meeting: 23/06/2020 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee

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