Decision - Get Socially Active
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Decision details
Get Socially Active
Decision Maker: Policy & Resources Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
(1) That the option to bring in-house the Get Socially Active Project be not taken forward due to the resources required to manage the project and the risks attached to the funding requirements;
(2) That the Council asks the Friends Centre that before the close of business on 31 July the Centre sends a communication to all those enrolled on the Get Socially Active Project to inform them of the situation and advise them to get in touch with their DWP work coach or the National Careers Service if they need support accessing opportunities; and
(3) That officers are requested to bring a report to the Children, Young People & Skills Committee on the skills and employment offer in the City that may be helpful in filling the gaps that will exist following the demise of the Project.
Report author: Carla Butler, Lisa Mitchell
Publication date: 30/07/2020
Date of decision: 30/07/2020
Decided at meeting: 30/07/2020 - Policy & Resources Committee
Accompanying Documents: