Decision - Review of Cumulative Impact Policy - Cumulative Impact Assessment (pre-consultation)

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Decision details

Review of Cumulative Impact Policy - Cumulative Impact Assessment (pre-consultation)

Decision Maker: Licensing Committee (Licensing Act 2003 Functions)

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




Committee agreed:


1.    To authorise officers to initiate consultation regarding a review of the cumulative impact policy, including the following proposals to consult on (please note, more detail and background on these proposals is contained in section 3 and the appendices of this report):


2.    To authorise officers to initiate a consultation exercise to include the draft CIA and evidence in support of maintaining it.


3.    That officers to report back to October 2023 committee with the final version of the CIA, following consultation.

Report author: Jim Whitelegg

Publication date: 29/06/2023

Date of decision: 29/06/2023

Decided at meeting: 29/06/2023 - Licensing Committee (Licensing Act 2003 Functions)

Accompanying Documents:


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