Decision - Corporate Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy
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Decision details
Corporate Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy
Decision Maker: Cabinet (pre 2012)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Three year Council delivery plan establishing priorities for action and investment.
1. That the Corporate Plan, as amended below by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be forwarded to Council for approval:
A. Add reference to support for city car clubs in 1.2 (p. 9)
Proposed amendment: Add new action bullet point reading “support the roll-out of car club cars across the City”.
B. Clarify third action bullet in 1.3 (p. 11)
Proposed amendment: Change bullet to read “Work with local businesses and others to ensure that workers have the skills they need.”
C. Add reference to work on private rented sector housing in 1.5 (p. 15)
Proposed amendment: New action bullet reading “Maintain our high level of performance in reducing the number of empty private sector homes in the city.”
D. Add reference to supported housing in 1.5 (p.15)
Proposed amendment: New action bullet reading “Provide financial assistance and support to householders and landlords to enable more vulnerable owner-occupiers and private tenants to live in decent homes.”
E. Add reference to improving energy efficiency of housing stock in 1.5 (p. 15)
Proposed amendment: New action bullet reading “Improve the energy efficiency of the city’s housing stock across all tenures, and reduce the number of people on low incomes living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating.”
F. Describe the action being taken to deliver the commitment on drug users in 3.3 (p. 34)
Proposed amendment: New action bullet reading: “Bring the drug treatment system in line with new and emerging best practice, training staff better and providing a high-quality, stable service.”
G. Add reference to health benefits of environmental health enforcement work in 3.3 (p. 34)
Proposed amendment: New action bullet reading: “Improve public health by improving the health and safety of workplaces, the fitness of food sold, and the quality of the city’s air.”
H. Add specific action bullet on NEET in 3.4 (p. 35)
Proposed amendment: New action bullet reading: “Expand the breadth of the curriculum offer to take into account the needs of all young people and increase the number of in-year enrolment opportunities to encourage those not in education to re-engage.
Reasons for the decision:
1. The Council needs a single overarching statement of its priorities, key targets and actions.
2. The Corporate Plan provides such a statement, and has been prepared with the co-operation of all parts of the Council.
3. The Corporate Plan enables the Council to fulfil its commitment to deliver the Local Area Agreement.
Alternative options considered:
1. During the drafting of the Plan, alternative drafting suggestions were considered, but the fundamental structure of the plan, including the principal targets, was drawn from the Local Area Agreement.
Publication date: 14/06/2008
Date of decision: 12/06/2008
Decided at meeting: 12/06/2008 - Cabinet (pre 2012)
Effective from: 20/06/2008
Accompanying Documents:
- Cabinet meeting report for Corporate Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy
- Item 16 Corporate plan apdx PDF 930 KB View as HTML (2) 442 KB