Decision - Conservation Strategy Review

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Decision details

Conservation Strategy Review

Decision Maker: Economic Development & Culture Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


A report outlining the outcome of consultation on the review of the Conservation Strategy and recommending the approval of the revised Stategy, which is to forma set of priorities and work programme for the period 2015 - 2025.


58.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development and Housing seeking approval of the revised Conservation Strategy.


58.2    It was explained that the current Conservation Strategy had been adopted in 2003 in order to clarify the council’s responsibilities and to reaffirm its commitment toward the conservation of Brighton and Hove’s historic built environment. It included a programme of action for the management of the city’s heritage assets. Generally, the strategy had been successful. It was however now due for review. The report detailed the review of the current strategy which had been undertaken including the response to the consultation and sought approval for the adoption of a revised Conservation Strategy for the city for the next ten years.


58.3    The Head of City Planning and Development explained that this represented a significant piece of work which would be used to guide this area of work in the medium/longer term.


58.4    Councillor Morgan referred to the Brighton Hippodrome site enquiring whether the strategy would impact on any potential future use. The Head of City Planning and Development explained that any scheme put forward would be considered on its merits and put forward for consideration. Officers  would continue to work with any potential developers to seek to secure protection, restoration and suitable viable uses for of the building, This was challenging as the buildings previous use as a Bingo Hall had ceased some years previously and since that time the fabric of the building had deteriorated significantly.


58.5    Councillor Morgan also referred to the apparent disparity between the number of conservation areas in Brighton and those in Hove. The Policy and Projects Manager explained that revisions would occur over time, Currently however, it was considered to focus limited available resources on existing conservation areas.


58.6    In commending the report, Councillor Randall referred to the importance of St Nicholas Church and its surrounding historic churchyard. He considered that the approach proposed represented a positive way forward.


58.7    Councillor Robins welcomed the level of detail set out in the report stated that he hoped that Easthill Park could be considered for inclusion at a future date.


58.8    Councillor Hawtree stated that he was disappointed that it was not proposed to extend any of the existing areas at the present time as there several areas within his ward which he considered were worthy of inclusion. He was pleased to note that it was anticipated that areas would change over time.


58.9    Councillor Brown was also disappointed that no areas were being extended at the present time, recognising however that the seafront area was protected, especially given that a number of important buildings there were in private ownership. It was important to concentrate scarce resources in the most effective and focused way.


58.10  RESOLVED – That the Committee approve the revised Conservation Strategy set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

Report author: Tim Jefferies

Publication date: 16/01/2015

Date of decision: 15/01/2015

Decided at meeting: 15/01/2015 - Economic Development & Culture Committee

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