Decision - Parking Payment Systems
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Decision details
Parking Payment Systems
Decision Maker: Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Presenting options for the future of on-street
parking payments
RESOLVED – That the Committee:
1) Approves the procurement of 320 card-only Pay and Display machines, upgrades to the existing 330 Pay and Display machines to accept card payments only, and additional upgrades to 150 newer cash machines to allow them to accept the new £1 coin and card payments;
2) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture to award the contract(s) following the procurement.
3) Approves that the upgrade and purchase of parking machines is included into the council’s Capital Investment Programme 2016/17 funded through prudential borrowing.
Report author: Paul Nicholls
Publication date: 15/07/2016
Date of decision: 14/07/2016
Decided at meeting: 14/07/2016 - Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Accompanying Documents: