Decision - City Employment & Skills Plan & Action Plan 2011-14

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Decision details

City Employment & Skills Plan & Action Plan 2011-14

Decision Maker: Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration Cabinet Member Meeting, Culture, Tourism & Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Council

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Endoresment of the City Employment & Skills plan 2011- 2014 and support for the priorities identified within the plan


45.1         Councillor Randall introduced the report which related to the City Employment & Skills Plan and reflected the current economic climate and the challenges ahead for the council and the city, with the threat of a double-dip recession being more likely.  The plan detailed three main outcomes in regard to providing a one-stop shop, tackling the shortage of graduate level jobs and in the long-term exploring the impact of eco-technology within the city.  He noted that the full plan was available on the council’s web site and recommended it to all Members.


45.2         Councillor Morgan welcomed the plan and noted that the targets were ambitious and that action was required to stimulate growth within the local economy if jobs were to be created.  He hoped that the council would examine everything it did in order to help provide jobs and attract inward investment.


45.3         Councillor Mears welcomed the report and stated that it was vital to enable people to develop skills and businesses to grow in the city.


45.4         Councillor C. Theobald noted that there were economic considerations beyond the council’s control but it was important to work with partners and local businesses to have a co-ordinated approach.  She stated that the council should be looking to support local businesses for example reducing parking charges across the city.


45.5         Councillor Randall noted the comments and stated that the current government’s anti-European approach was not helping and the work of Brighton & Hove Albion should be admired.  He believed the plan outlined a way forward and hoped that it would be supported.


45.6         RESOLVED: That the City Employment & Skills Plan 2011-14 be endorsed.

Report author: Cheryl Finella

Publication date: 28/08/2012

Date of decision: 15/12/2011

Decided at meeting: 15/12/2011 - Council

Accompanying Documents:


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