Decision - Annual Value for Money and Efficiency Report
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Decision details
Annual Value for Money and Efficiency Report
Decision Maker: Finance Cabinet Member Meeting
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
1. That the achievement against the 2007/08 efficiency target reported in the “backward look” Annual Efficiency Statement submission be noted.
2. That the actions taken in 2007/08 to improve the council’s use of its resources be noted.
3. That the actions planned for 2008/09 to improve the council’s use of its resources be agreed.
Reasons for the decision:
1. To update the council’s cabinet member for finance in relation to performance against efficiency targets and the progress of value for money reviews.
2. The cabinet member for finance is also asked to agree actions to improve the use of resources to ensure appropriate governance and challenge in setting these targets.
Alternative options considered:
1. It is a government requirement to report on performance against efficiency targets and hence the cabinet member is asked to note the report.
2. The actions for improving use of resources are expected to be deliverable within the time scales and resource capacity available to the authority. Actions are in response to:
i) Recommendations made by the external auditor in the Annual Audit & Inspection Letter.
ii) Recommendations made, or any weaknesses highlighted, by the external auditor in the Annual Governance Report and Final Accounts Report (for Financial Reporting).
iii) Recommendations arising from internal audits conducted in accordance with the Internal Audit Plan.
iv) Internal reviews of performance and governance.
The actions identified concentrate on areas requiring further improvement or where the impact will be of most significance. Although these actions cannot guarantee improved CPA assessment scores, they are designed to move the authority in the right direction. Alternative actions could be proposed but must consider the following:
· the likelihood of external audit recommendations not being met;
· the available capacity to deliver against alternative targets, or;
· the potential impact on assessment scores for the authority.
Report author: Nigel Manvell
Publication date: 23/07/2008
Date of decision: 21/07/2008
Decided at meeting: 21/07/2008 - Finance Cabinet Member Meeting
Effective from: 29/07/2008
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