Decision - Permit scheme business case for Brighton and Hove

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Decision details

Permit scheme business case for Brighton and Hove

Decision Maker: Transport Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This report outlines a business case for introducing a permit scheme in the city.


That the Transport Committee:


1.                  Recommends the principle of introducing a Permit Scheme in Brighton & Hove to Policy and Resources Committee and asks Policy and Resources Committee to approve the funding for the creation of a Permit Scheme;


2.                  Subject to receiving funding approval as identified at 2.1 above, instructs officers to commission consultants and to engage in consultation with the relevant parties to draw up options for a Permit Scheme for Brighton & Hove and to update the traffic sensitive road network with the intention of going live in 2014/2015;


3.                  Notes that the Transport Committee will be asked to approve the final permit scheme before it is submitted to the Department for Transport and that this is expected to be in December 2013


Report author: Jeff Elliott

Publication date: 29/11/2012

Date of decision: 27/11/2012

Decided at meeting: 27/11/2012 - Transport Committee

Accompanying Documents:


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