Decision - New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme
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Decision details
New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme
Decision Maker: Housing Committee (pre 2015)
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The report updates the Committee on progress
made and outlines the proposed framework for an Estate Regeneration
Programme of three phases and how it will be delivered.
(1) That the Housing Committee note the next steps and processes in the proposed Estate Regeneration Programme.
(2) That the Housing Committee note progress with the garage site procurement (Phase 1 of the Estate Regeneration Programme) and give delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Director of Finance and Resources to award the contract following completion of procurement of a delivery partner for the development of new housing at the sites specified in paragraphs 3.12 and 3.13 in the report and any substitute or additional garage sites.
(3) That the Housing Committee recommend that the Policy and Resources Committee agree:
(i) that the four vacant and unlettable prefabricated bungalow units in the rear gardens of 243-245 Preston Road, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 1) be demolished as required to enable redevelopment of that garden site with new housing, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraphs 3.21 and 3.22 in the report;
(ii) that the vacant former Housing Office at Manor Place, Brighton (as shown on the annexed plan at Appendix 2) be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to planning consent, under Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme as outlined in paragraph 3.23 below;
(4) That the Housing Committee agree that a range of funding, rent and homeownership options should be provided in new housing to be developed on HRA land under the Estate Regeneration Programme in order to ensure that development is viable and to increase the number of new homes the Estate Regeneration Programme can deliver, as set out in paragraphs 3.31 to 3.42 in the report.
Report author: Nick Hibberd
Publication date: 06/03/2013
Date of decision: 06/03/2013
Decided at meeting: 06/03/2013 - Housing Committee (pre 2015)
Effective from: 14/03/2013
Accompanying Documents:
- New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme PDF 152 KB View as HTML (1) 224 KB
- Enc. 1 for New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme
- Enc. 2 for New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme
- Enc. 3 for New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Estate Regeneration Programme