Decision - Procurement of a contract for gas servicing, maintenance and installations.

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Decision details

Procurement of a contract for gas servicing, maintenance and installations.

Decision Maker: Housing Committee (pre 2015)

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The council's current contracts for gas servicing, maintenance and installations end on 30th September 2015 and we are required to re-tender this service to ensure that we can continue to provide this essential service from 1st October 2015.


23.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director  Environment, Development and Housing which informed Members that the Council was required to re-tender a contract to be offered for annual gas servicing and maintenance including full break-down cover, servicing, maintenance, emergency out of hours maintenance and planned system replacements and/or installations.  The Council anticipated that procurement of the contract to cover these areas would provide value for money, reliability and service consistency for tenants.  The report was presented by the Partnering Business Manager. 


23.2    Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 3.12 which stated “..we will be looking to start the contract on an Open Book style of accounting….”  Councillor Mears stated that when the Repairs & Improvement Partnership contract was set up with Mears Ltd, it was the intention to have an open book process.  She asked if this was the case or not.  


23.3    The Partnering Business Manager replied that the repairs partnership were in the process of moving to open book in two areas.  The gas contract would be an open book style of accounting.


23.4    Councillor Mears expressed concern about the timescales for moving to open book on the repairs partnership.  Bearing in mind the size of the contract she asked for a more detailed paper on this matter.


23.5    Councillor Meadows noted that there had been no feedback from the North Area Panel meeting.  She had concern about recommendation (2) which suggested giving delegated power to the Executive Director of Environment and Housing in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance & Resources.  She noted in paragraph 5.2 that two tenant representatives would be engaged in the evaluation stage of the tender.  Councillor Meadows suggested that it would be useful if two councillors could be included in this process.    


23.6    The Committee Lawyer stressed that the Committee could only delegate authority to officers.  It could however, delegate authority to officers after consultation with councillors. 


23.7    The Chair suggested amending the recommendation to include the Chair and opposition spokespersons in the evaluation process.


23.8    It was confirmed that there had been no specific feedback from the North Area Panel.


23.9    RESOLVED - (1)      That approval be given for the procurement of a contract for the annual gas servicing and maintenance including full break-down cover, servicing, maintenance, emergency out of hours maintenance and planned system replacements and/or installations for a five year period, with an option for extension up to a period of two years.


(2)       That it be agreed to give delegated authority to the Executive Director of Environment and Housing in consultation with Executive Director of Finance and Resources to a) award the contract following the recommendations of the evaluation panel and the results of the tendering process and b) approve an extension to the contract if required dependent on performance.


(3)       That the Chair and Opposition Spokespersons be members of the evaluation panel along with tenants.  


Report author: Sharon Davies

Publication date: 10/09/2014

Date of decision: 10/09/2014

Decided at meeting: 10/09/2014 - Housing Committee (pre 2015)

Accompanying Documents:


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