Decision - Residents Question Time
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Decision details
Residents Question Time
Decision Maker: Housing Management Panel: East Area
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
4.1 (Item 1 – Craven Vale) Alan Cooke expressed dissatisfaction with the response given.
4.2 Councillor Mitchell highlighted concerns regarding erosion of land and that a budget had been found for basic work. Cllr Mitchell also noted residents’ concerns regarding transport within the area.
4.3 Alan Cooke noted that Craven Vale had recently conducted a survey with residents with 70% were in favour of a change to parking arrangements in the area.
4.4 The panel considered possible implementation of a light touch parking scheme to counter road space issue.
4.5 Stuart Wilson, Highway Asset and Maintenance Manager, noted that bottlenecking occurred at the junction.
4.6 The Chair noted that this was a work in progress and both budgetary and incremental improvement investigation would be ongoing.
4.7 Grant Scott noted that emergency services were experiencing difficulties accessing the area due to roads not being wide enough.
4.8 James Cryer permit parking and metering and could provide a possible source of funding for local improvements.
4.9 The Chair stated that possible problems could arise from displaced parking.
4.10 (Item 2 – Woodingdean) Jo Gearing stated that they tried tarmacking using EDB money as there was not enough parking available due to the road being used as a rat run. She enquired the possibility of having the grass verge tarmacked.
4.11 The Highway Asset and Maintenance Manager noted that this had been practiced in the past however the budget had now been re-appropriated to flooding care. Further to this, tarmacking would remove the natural drainage that the grass verge provides.
4.12 The Chair enquired what the maintenance budget entailed and if it would be applicable.
4.13 Stuart Wilson responded that it would be unable to fund this out of the current maintenance budget due to ongoing budget reductions. The Council had a statutory obligation to maintain public highways and footpaths; however this location would not come under this remit.
4.14 The Chair enquired if the grass side was HRA land.
4.15 Stuart Wilson stated that there was no statutory duty to look after verges, as they are there for natural drainage aesthetics.
4.16 Chris El Shabba noted that Manor Hill had the same concerns due to zone parking.
4.17 The Chair stated that there must be a working relationship between housing and highways as budgetary restrictions are prevalent and requested that some possible long term solutions be provided for the next meeting.
4.18 Councillor Mitchell said that the maintenance budget is very low due to annual budget reductions. Type 1 material had been used in the past.
4.19 Jo Gearing enquired about the possible use of the EDB budget.
4.20 Councillor Meadows responded that EDB could only be spent on housing land or on properties.
4.21 Pat McKenna stated that people should be discouraged from parking on verges via bollards.
4.22 The Chair stated practically there may not be resources. She noted Councillor Mitchell’s idea for using type 1 in places that need it most. This consideration is to be kept on the agenda and worked on over time.
4.23 (Item 4 – Window Replacements) The Resident Involvement Manager read out the response. Mears Construction Company would be looking to inspect windows and would arrange to carry out repairs.
4.24 The Chair stated that it was disheartening that his issue came up often noting that the answer is always the same. The condition of the windows are horrendous, she noted that there was a history of issues and that Tenant’s concerns should be heard.
4.25 Jo Gearing noted that according to the last plans, works will take between 3-5 years. Works in Woodingdean will not be completed until 2020; she added that where these works are for disabled persons’ bungalows.
4.26 The Chair stated she was disappointed to the response. She enquired why one part of the city is getting new windows and the other parts are not.
4.27 Councillor Meadows agreed to look at the program and scrutinise it to conclude why works will be late and report findings to chair for the next meeting.
Publication date: 27/08/2015
Date of decision: 27/07/2015
Decided at meeting: 27/07/2015 - Housing Management Panel: East Area
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