Decision - Stanmer Park restoration project - procurement of works
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Decision details
Stanmer Park restoration project - procurement of works
Decision Maker: Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
This report summarises the progress made to
date on the project, and seeks agreement to proceed with tendering
and appointment of main contractors.
1) Approves the relocation of the CityParks depot to Hangleton Bottom.
2) Recommends to February Budget Council the allocation of up to £400,000 capital resources to address the shortfall of funding identified in relocating the CityParks depot, subject to confirmation of costings as outlined in Table 2.
3) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture to:
(i) Procure and award a contract for the Stanmer Park HLF Restoration Project, to undertake the works listed in paragraph 3.6 below.
(ii) Apply for planning consent for the building of new depot facilities at Hangleton Bottom.
(iii) Procure and award a contract(s) for the building of new depot facilities at Hangleton Bottom.
4) The committee agrees that officers should explore ways to achieve efficiencies through joining up the CityParks depot relocation and Animal Welfare Facility projects where possible and through the city parks and animal welfare services working together. This should include exploration of costs which can be shared through an integrated approach such as costs of installing utility services, security costs, repairs and maintenance. Opportunities to achieve a more integrated design should also be explored, such as providing shared toilet and washroom facilities where this can be done within any regulatory and health and safety requirements and the outcome of this work to be reported to Leaders Group.
Report author: Jonathan Dall
Publication date: 26/01/2018
Date of decision: 25/01/2018
Decided at meeting: 25/01/2018 - Policy, Resources & Growth Committee
Accompanying Documents:
- Stanmer Park Restoration – procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot
PDF 288 KB View as HTML (1) 45 KB
- Stanmer Park Restoration – procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot APX. n 1
PDF 191 KB
- Stanmer Park Restoration – procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot APX. n 2
- Stanmer Park Restoration – procurement of HLF project works and relocation of CityParks depot APX. n 3
PDF 125 KB View as HTML (4) 629 KB
- Item 87- Extract from ETS Stanmer Park restoration
PDF 136 KB View as HTML (5) 32 KB
- Item 87 Joint Grp Amendment CityParks depot
PDF 13 KB View as HTML (6) 28 KB